Chapter 4 🫧

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Mike:yes it i shouldn't have forced that relationship on you if you weren't ready i'm sorry *tearing up*

Derek: no it's my fault I shouldn't of did you like that I should have just said i wasn't ready and got with you when I was

Mike:wait did y'all go through the whole box

Derek: yeah everything


Derek: yes shhhh Jasmine's sleep

Mike: sorry but i guess you saw the box

Derek: yeah the ring was beautiful I didn't know if I was supposed to the touch it or not but I put it on because it was beautiful I understand if you want my to take it off tho

Mike: noo keep it it was for you

Derek: ok

Mike:Im sorry *looks down*

Derek: for what you did nothing wrong

Mike:Idk i just feel like getting the ring was a mistake

Derek: why do you think that

Mike:Because i wasn't good enough

Derek: you was good enough I was just stupid

Derek: I messed you over so many times I shouldn't have been that stupid to for doing you like that those many times I'm sorry

Mike:No i wasn't good enough and deserved that

Derek: yes you were and no you didn't deserve that no one deserves to be treated like that

Mike:if i didn't deserve it wouldn't have happened with three different people

Derek: because people are stupid and don't know how to treat a person including me ion know how to to properly treat a person

Mike:can we talk about this later

Derek: of course

Mike:is the new person here yet

Derek: yeah he's up stairs want me to call him down so you can meet him



*Irwin comes downstairs*


Derek: Irwin meet Mike Mike meet Irwin

Mike:Irwin? is that really you

Derek: wait you guess know eachother

Mike:He's my ex

Derek: ohh

irwin:Omggggggggg mike i missed you so much *runs and hugs mike*

Derek: *gets a little jealous*

Mike:I missed you too *let's go of irwin* i thought you moved to Cali

Irwin:I did but i got signed with tyee so i moved back

Derek: I'll let you guess catch up

Mike:NO i mean no that was all we had to say to each other

Irwin:Yeah there's nothing to catch up on

Derek: oh ok

Mike:well i'm going to my hotel

Derek: ok see you later

Irwin:i'll walk you to your car

Mike:ok *they walk to the car*

Irwin:So you and derek huh

Mike:no he doesn't like me

irwin:whaaaaaa how could he not like you

Mike:because i'm ugly

irwin:Michael Chong you are not ugly you are beautiful and smart and independent and amazing your perfect

*They look at each other and irwin grabs mike's face and kisses him and mike kisses back*

*Back in the house*

Vallyk:*Looking out the window* he finally found someone

Derek: what do you mean


Derek: ok *looks and gets jealous*

Vallyk:You good


Derek: *zones back in* oh um yeah I'm fine

Vallyk:you don't like him still right

Derek: ofc not *lies*

vallyk:stop lying to me

Derek: I'm not *still lying*

Vallyk:your doing that thing with your leg so ik your lying

Derek: no I'm not *still doing the thing with his leg*

Vallyk:Well when you feel like i'm a good enough friend to talk to i'll be in my room *goes upstairs*

Derek: *runs up stairs* wait


Derek: ok your right I was lying I still like him

Vallyk:ok now what

Derek: idk what to do vallyk

vallyk:talk to him

Derek: what do I say

Vallyk:tell him how you feel and don't lie and don't fuck him over if he gives you another chance

Derek: ok I wont

Vallyk:derek i'm being serious no one in this house likes seeing mike upset

Derek: ik vallyk ik

Vallyk:Derek i'm serious

Derek: I understand I am to

Vallyk:he's coming inside so get ready

Derek: ok I got this

*Vallyk goes upstairs and mike comes inside*

Mike:I left the box

ok this will probably be the last chapter for a while because i'm not motivated anymore





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