Book 1

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                               Chapter 1

The room was dim-lit and filled with hundreds of electronics with blinking lights. Four eighty-inch flat-screen computer monitors surround the room just above several control panels. Each screen contained radar sequences from North, South, East, and West of the directional satellite feed. A young man in his early twenties' sleeps while sitting in a computer chair halfway laying on one of the control panels. A slight beeping alarm awakens him from his deep and needed slumber as he arises in a fright at the sudden noise.

The young man jumps from his chair causing it to spin to the back of the room as he looks at the monitors but finds no trace of movement. Confused at the alarm and dazed from his slumber, he types in a few codes and a recording popped up onto the screen. When he presses play, a raspy voice comes over the monitor with a familiar yet unknown language. The mysterious message lasts for about five minutes and then ends with dead silence. Excitedly, the man rushes to copy the message onto a USB drive and runs out of the monitoring room with a grin.

He runs down the long hallway to the elevator and presses the button for the first floor. After impatiently waiting for the elevator to stop, he runs down another hall to the primary office and bursts through his boss's door. The older pot-bellied man behind the desk jumps with a startle at the sudden intrusion.

"SIR!" the young nerd shouts out of breath. "You have got to hear this! We picked up something strange."

He reveals the USB drive and places it on his bosses' desk sliding it over to him. The office was small with a single computer desk with many military plaques and rewards covering the walls. On the desk lay a closed laptop, a stack of files, and an office phone. The pugly man behind the desk was a Sergeant in the military in his late forties. Annoyed with the sudden interruption, he sets a file down onto the desk.

"This had better be good." He said with a scowl.

The young satellite tech sat nervously into the chair as his boss placed the USB drive into the laptop and brought up the only file. After the mysterious message stopped playing, the Sergeant rubbed his eyes as he thought about it.

"Sounds a little like German." The Sergeant finally said. "Did we pick up on any of their feed?"

"No sir." The tech replied. "There are no German satellites in the Eastern rotation, I checked."

"Then I'll send this to a translator, and have it sent to intelligence once it's finished."

Still excited at his find but disappointed in the reaction, the young tech left the room and headed back to the monitor room. The Sergeant was rusty on his German, but what words he could make out was enough to make him break out in a cold sweat as he sent the email.


In a small collage dorm in Washington, a young student sat down at her laptop to study as her email pinged in. She was in her mid-twenties and going through her senior year to be a translator over seas. She had translated a few things throughout her time for some quick cash and was excited to see a request in her email. As she pulled up the email, a small message was attached with limited details.

Please translate this German message and send it to Millitary

Intelligence in the link below for further action.

Thank you, Sgt. Recker

She scrolled to the bottom of the email and clicked the message attachment, excitedly. A five-minute-long audio message began to play as she listened carefully to every word. As the message played, her smile became a frown and her heart began to race with fear. She quickly saved the file to her laptop and began translating each word as she reloaded the terrifying message.

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