You would simply wake up, say hello, maybe thank them for a good time if they actually gave you one, and then leave. Treat yourself to a coffee, tell Aera all the details as you took a leisurely stroll home.

This time, you absolutely did not want to interact with your one-night stand. Had he mistreated you the night before? No. Yes, you were covered in bruises and bite marks, but you hadn't really been against it when it had happened.

He had been attractive, he had given you a great night, and he had been easy to interact with while you had been at the bar still. He was a very welcome distraction from the grief that you had been feeling the day before.

There was something about him though, that made your gut scream "danger" now that you were sober. Maybe it was because he was a rich vampire. Usually richer vampires were older, more elite. They had always made you a bit nervous, despite looking up to them.

Maybe it was just because he was a vampire in general. There wasn't very much vampire-on-human crime these days, but after the murder of your classmate there was still concern in the back of your mind.

Either way, something inside of you had told you not to stick around for longer than needed. It could have been nerves; He was handsome as hell and you had been shitfaced. It could have been who he was; A vampire.

You were just relieved to out of his apartment.

The ride back to your own apartment was long, and you hadn't realized how far you had traveled just to sleep with someone. It had been nearly on the other side of the city, and your taxi bill was quite steep for what you normally paid.

You still tipped the older man behind the wheel though, which got you a happy grin and a "have a good day, dear".

When you finally made it into your apartment and saw Alice's familiar face, you sighed in relief and plopped down on the couch beside her. She gave you a smile, before her face stiffened.

Her nostrils flared, and her eye twitched. "You alright?" You asked her, your brows raising in concern. She only stared at you for a moment, before reaching for her notepad.

Where were you last night? Your friends came looking for you again.

"Oh, I went to a bar." You said. "I figured that I could go for a drink or two. Something to distract me know. I ended up meeting someone though so I spent the night with them."

Alice stared at you for another moment, before nodding.

Who was it?

You shrugged. "I'm not sure. I forgot to ask his name." You replied, tilting your head. "Why, is something the matter? You look kind of bothered."

Alice shook her head and stared down at the notepad, thinking. She wrote a few words before scribbling them out. Finally, she seemed to decide on what to say.

Nothing is wrong. Vampires have distinct smells to each other and I could smell it on you. I wanted to make sure that you were okay, and that you didn't get fed off of.

Your hand instinctively came up to your neck. The vampire had bit you multiple times, but he hadn't actually drank from didn't think. "Is it bad for a vampire to feed off of a person nowadays?" You asked, your brows pinching in concern.

Only if it's non-consensual. Did you let him feed?

You shook your head. "I don't think he actually drank from me, he just seemed fond of biting. I didn't tell him to stop though."

A SEALED FATE: Ruby Encrusted Cages (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now