The fanclub. (Part-7)

Start from the beginning

"What's this?"

"It's an invitation to Jessica's birthday party."

"It's her birthday again?"

Donna laughed. "Her birthday comes up once a year just like any other person, Harvey."

"Are you sure it's been a year already? She's ageing quickly!"

"I don't have to tell you she expects you to be there. It's going to be held at her place."

Harvey contemplated. "If I seem to say yes easily, it's not because I'm thrilled to go to her party. It's because I don't want to stress you out on your first day back."

"How very thoughtful of you." Donna snorted but gladly informed Jessica's secretary that Harvey would be available.

Step 6: First kiss (Project 'Power magnet')

"Whoa…" Mike was too busy looking around that he didn't notice that Harvey had stopped in front of him.

"Watch it, puppy." Harvey said as he felt Mike bump into his back.

"Sorry. It's just that... this place is amazing!" Mike had never been inside a mansion like this.

"Yeah, this is the place of a managing partner of one of the most successful law firms."

"This place kinda makes yours unimpressive, Harvey." Mike joked.

"Well, I don't see a glass elevator here, do you?"

"Haha, don't worry. I like your place better than hers. More manly." Mike smiled and pulled out Jessica's birthday gift from his messenger bag.

"Do you want me to take yours too? I see there's a gift table over there." He offered.

"My presence is my gift, Mike. But you go ahead."

"You're sure you don't want me to go out and get something in your place? I saw Louis ordered a truck to deliver his gift."

"And, that information is relevant to me how?"

Mike shrugged. "I just wanted to help you prevent an awful situation in which Jessica prefers him over you."

"That's not gonna happen. Now go put your gift and play with the other kids. And, try not to embarrass me. There are clients here too."

"When do I ever embarrass you?" Mike grinned. "If you ever want to show me off to a client, feel free to call me."

Harvey shook his head in disbelief as Mike left with a wink.

Everyone was having a good time at the party. There were enough food, drinks, and entertainment to suit various tastes. Many associates were playing pool or video games and some ladies were gathered around Jessica's vase collection or art collection. Even Harvey was enjoying himself, talking to some of the clients on the couch with a drink in his hand.

"Having fun, Harvey?" Donna smiled and Harvey got a feeling that things weren't going to be fun anymore.

"Until you smiled that demonic smile of yours, yeah."

"Relax. You'll have even more fun now. Jessica has suggested that we play some games." Donna pointed at the small stage where Jessica had just walked up.

"Games? Why would I want to play games? Isn't that what associates are for? Let Mike play."

"Oh, Mike will play too." Donna grinned.

Harvey groaned as Jessica grabbed the microphone. She thanked everyone for making her birthday party a wonderful memory and announced that they would have some game time. People seemed to be excited which made Harvey shake his head.

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