Fun Time With Kuwabara

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*A/N : Hey everyone! so this chapter is going to just be a little fun time with our favorite Cat loving, code following hero  :3 Don't worry the fun stuff will be coming soon I promise! but for now just enjoy the random moment between the two characters as they get to know eachother. I think I have an idea of where I want this to go so I hope you all enjoy it! *


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***Yuzu POV***

"There, there, you'll get em next time." I said as I tried to cheer up Kuwabara. Well, here we are at the arcade and Kuwabara is raging over losing in one game in particular; Goblin city. 
Goblin City is a very popular game where you challenge the demon king to a series of mini games and it ranges from fighting, trivia, sports, all that jazz.
You have to beat 4 out of 7 games to win and well....Kuwabara has won....none...and isn't taking the beating well.

In a way it was kind of funny to see him raging but sad at the same time.
"This game is rigged!" He said angrily pressing his palms against the table silently cursing the game.
"LOSER!" The game repeated again pissing off the orange warrior.
'And here i thought you were some game master.' I sighed shaking my head.
"Can i try?" I asked politely, earning the attention of the big oaf watching him jump in surprise.

'I swear I bet he forgot i was here for a second.' I thought to myself sweatdropping.
"Sure, but good luck this game is a lot harder than it looks!" He retorted backing away from the machine. "Trust me, this game and I go way back!" I responded confidently lifting a fist into the air.
"Watch the master at work." I said again as i casually grabbed the controls and began the first match........

***A Few Moments Later.....***

"Winner!" the game erupted after a few matches and I smirked proudly at my work earning a shocked expression from the male companion.

"I- Yo- Wha- HOW?!" Kuwabara yelled trying to figure out what just transpired. "How did you do that?!" He said again in surprise. "Huh? oh! my guardian has a few games at her estate, this game being one of them so sometimes i'll mess around ." I responded sheepishly.

***********Kuwabara POV**************

I stared at the girl deep in thought. 'ESTATE?! does that mean shes loaded?! now that I think about it I just dragged this girl with me and I don't even know anything about her' I thought to myself.
"Um.. Kazuma-kun are u feeling okay?" Yuzu asked pulling me out of my thinking state.
" Huh? Oh yeah! everything is good just thinking to myself." I responded embarrassed that I was staring like that.
"Okay... well I think i should probably head home then it's getting late" She said while dusting herself off before hopping off the chair gracefully. "R-right of course!! Haha my bad I guess I lost track of time" I said quickly in awe of her beauty.
"It's alright buuuut if you want to make it up to me for keeping me out so long I know a great way.." she responded coming close to me slowly leaning in with a sly smirk. 'IS SHE GOING TO KISS ME!?' I thought crazily, my heart slamming against my chest Looking at the raven haired girl coming close. Staring at her in surprise I slowly closed my eyes and started puckering my lips anxiously waiting for her glossed ones to touch mine.
"Ice cream..." I heard her say and I opened my eyes confused.
"Heh???" I responded not understanding the situation.
"I saaaiid you owe me ice cream, what did you think I was referring too?" She responded giggling while staring up at me. "H-HEY I WASN'T THINKING ANYTHING OKAY?!...just...don't stand too close." I muttered embarrassed of my original thoughts. "Let's just go get the ice cream..." I retorted walking away quickly out of the arcade hoping she didn't see my flushed face.
Little did I know Yuzu was watching with a smile before quickly tagging along to our next destination.

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