Chapter 1 🔪🩸

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I sat in the club watching the people stumble as they made their way through the crowd. I looked ordinary, fitting in perfectly as I drank my cocktail in the corner. I was here on my first job in over a month... since this one alone was paying me five hundred thousand euros. 34 Ever since krupa had died I was alone. I hadn't done a job in over a year, not after the last one. I needed a break after watching him die. But I couldn't help but think that he deserved it... Especially after what had happened before. My jaw clenched at the thought of him and I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. I couldn't be distracted tonight especially when I had my eyes on the target. His name is Arjun Roy and he is only 36 years old, he has no wife or children but he has many woman and toys. One of the woman he slept with was working for a very dangerous man. The woman told him some very sensitive information about the man, which he sold on the black market. Now he is wanted dead. I stood up following him as he made his way to the upper floor of the club. I reached up my dress and pulled out my blade as I followed him out of the private lounge and up the stairs. He had a cigarette in his hands and was about to light it when I stabbed him in his neck. I held my gloved hand over his mouth, muffling his bloody screams for help. I watched as the tears fell from his eyes when he realised he was going to die. I hated this part this most. He looked at me searching for the eyes of his killer. I was no coward. I met his gaze showing him that it wasn't personal. That I didn't really have a choice. He eventually stopped struggling and I let out the breath I was holding as I placed my black mask on. He was dead. I closed his eyes and said a little prayer for him before standing up to leave the club, but instead of seeing the door to my way out, I was met three armed men. I looked at the man standing closest to the front and tilted my head to the side in confusion. "May I help you, gentlemen?" I said already reaching for my gun. "Yes. We're looking for our business partner, Arjun roy . But I see his a little dead at the moment". A man with sliver tipped hair said. "Ah shit There goes our information" the man with black hair spoke next, scrathing the back of his head. "King is going to lose it" the man with a hell of a lot of tattoos spoke "We better take the girl and tell him what happened". I took a step back as they all agreed with the tattoo man and not even a second later I was through the small window about to jump out of the 2 floor building. My foot was grabbed at the last minute and I slammed into the wall outside the window. The man held my foot in a death grip while I struggled to get free. I lifted my self up and grabbed the window ledge sending my shoeless foot into his face. He fell back in shock as I dropped to the dumpster under the window. In the last second I dug my blade into the wall and kicked back landing in the middle of the alleyway with a painful thud. I jumped up wasting no time as I took off my other heel. I ran down the alley taking the first turn on the right, running straight into a f*cking wall. Oh my nose I stood up quickly only to see the brown hair guy laughing at me and my bleeding nose. I scowled at him. It really wasn't that funny. I threw a punch straight through his face making him curse in pain . I turned around and started running again moving left and right and right and left through the different streets and alleys until I saw my apartment. I let out a breathe of relief and started making my way to mainstreet where I could lose them in the crowd. One second I was casually walking down the street. The next second there was a cloth over my face and I was being dragged to a car, losing consciousness. Fuck

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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