Chapter 1

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Once the two arrived, they were just in time for the woman's arrest. The sheriff walked to Wade and said, "So what do we have here Wade?" Thats when Wade said as he looked at his notebook, "We have Mrs. Lacey Andrews. She tried to sent her daughter Julie and help out the gay away camp to make her never gay again. But her husband, Harold 'who recently started supporting her' called us though after we arrested her and took Julie 'who had horrible injuries' at the hospital, the gay away was recently destroyed. Though the other gay away camps nearby were destroyed to." Sonic asked, "Was there anyone injured?" Wade replied to the blue hedgehog, "Well all we can get that the campers there were at the time we're free but the workers at the gay away camp were unconscious or injured enough to be in a coma." Before Tom can ask Sonic asked, "So did the attacker left anything?" Wade replied just after thinking, "Come to think of it. This attacker left something strange. Everywhere I looked in that camp was like a light show." Tom asked as he raised a brow, "What do you mean a 'light show'?" Wade replied with a weirded out look on his face, "Well... there was some neon lights around though it was... strange." Sonic asked Wade, "Mind if I take a look Wade?" Without hesitation Wade said, "Thats where you come in. So I don't mind." Sonic nodded before he asked, "By the way. Which way is the gay away camp?" Wade pointed to the direction and said, "That way. It's left and the opposite direction to the Evergreen mansion." Sonic replied, "Thank you Wade." He turn to Tom and said, "Be right back Donut Lord." He sped off to the gay away camp as Wade chuckled at Tom's nickname. Tom looked at him with a 'Not really that funny' expression on his face as Wade stopped laughing and said, "Sorry sheriff." Tom sighs and said, "Hey can you blame me? I talk and eat donuts. So any chance I can talk to Mr. Andrew?" Wade said as he led the sheriff to the station, "Sure he's at the station."

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