" How the information vanishes like this ", Wang Carman said and put her teacup on the table with the force which made a crack on it.

" Ok you carry on with that work ", " you may leave now," wang Carman said.

" Yes mam," he Peng said and bowed. He was about to leave when Wang Carman called him again.

" He Peng"

" Yes mam"

" Send more bodyguards to snow town," wang Carman said.

" Yes mam ", he replied and left the room.

Inside the study room, wang Carman was feeling uneasy for unknown reasons after he Peng left wang zhu jin to come inside the room with a snack for his mother-in-law.
While entering he saw his mother in law uneasy face, He put the snack on the table and asked.

" What happen Mumma Lee"

"Nothing zhujin , it just I am feeling uneasy today like something is going to happen," wang said while looking outside the window.

" Don't worry Mumma Lee nothing bad will happen" wang zhujin said trying to calm his mother in law mood. And took a few books from the book self and sat near her.

" I just hope ", wang Carman mumble herself.


Snow town

Xiao Zhan was in the kitchen making some hot chocolate for his friends and himself,Yubin and Chen Zhuo were sitting in the living room, they all woke up late today, they don't have any plans in the morning because today there is a game task for college also they planned to attend village festival in the evening.

Chen Zhuo got up from the couch a d went inside the kitchen took hot chocolate
Tray, while Xiao Zhan took the snack tray and come out of the kitchen, Xiao Zhan took his hot chocolate cup and went to the balcony and stand near the railing, it was snowing outside.

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Some are falling on his face, he giggles whenever snow touches his face.
Winter is his favorite season. After a sometimes he sat near a chair on the balcony, he was enjoying hot chocolate while watching the snowfall.

In living room

Chen Zhuo and Yubin were sitting in the living room silently drinking their hot chocolate

Chen Zhuo notice Yubin tense face, he was in deep thought and she knows the reason, after some time she spoke up.

" Why are you still thinking about yesterday's event"

Yubin trans broke with Chen Zhuo's voice he looked at her and said

"It's just I want him safe, he is an innocent soul.

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