A Sick Moon (Part 2 of A Sick Sunny

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Ok before I start this chapter I'm gonna just say this real quick
That is how you can be able to tell who's talking that's all let's get on with the story

Moon's Pov:

"Sunny I'm fine I swear! Just please calm down!"

"B-but I got you s-sick I'm sorry"

"Sunny you need to chill out I promise*cough* I'm perfectly fine and I'm not mad at you"


"No more buts you need to go to class so get going"

"But you h-helped me when I was sick so why can't I do the same?"

"Because I don't need any help I've been sick many times so get going"

Sunny left out the room with a pout then came back immediately and had some medicine, I hate medicine "Come on open up!"  "No, I'm not taking that nasty shit" I was pretty stubborn when it came to taking medicine. "Then I guess I have no choice"  Sunny took the medicine put some in his mouth and kissed me. I was in pure shock but I melted into the kiss. "I'm so sorry" Sunny said flustered "It's ok Sunny, I liked it" I said with a chuckle. I got up to go get something to eat then Sunny grabbed me by the arm and took me back to bed

"You're staying here"

"But I don't wanna"

"that's a you problem"

"Now what were you getting up for?"

"I was about to get something to eat"

"Well what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know to be honest"

"Well looks like I'm cooking then!"

"Sunny no, Remember last time you almost burned down the dorms!"

" The Teachers even said it's a safety hazard for you to cook!"


I finally persuaded Sunny. Then I got up to go get some food but Sunny then said that he was going to order food so I sat back down and then layed down. Later I had felt very sick more sick then I already was. I got up and ran to the bathroom and soon threw up I had felt terrible after I just stayed in the bathroom just sitting there. Sunny came and knocked on the door "Moony are you ok?" He asked
"I'm fine" I replied knowing it was a lie I felt terrible. "Do you need anything?" "N-no" I said stuttering I was in so much pain Sunny could tell mainly because I never stutter unless I'm in pain or something. "Moon open the door"  "F-fine" I and opened the and Sunny came in he picked me up and took me back to my room. Sunny left out and came back in with some food "Don't worry I didn't cook it my friend chica brought it in" He told me with a smile. "Wait didn't you say that you were ordering food?" I asked "I was but then she called me saying that she made some food and she's a great cook so I asked if she could make us some!" he said "Well tell them I said thanks"
I ate my food then soon after went to sleep because I was very tired because of all the pain that I'm feeling right now.

Once Moon woke up

I woke up to see Sunny sleep next to me I checked the time on my phone it was 8pm so I got up trying to walk because I was still in a little bit of pain. And soon made my day to the kitchen I grabbed some coffee, sat on the couch, and turned on the TV Sunny came in soon after. Sunny was still upset that he didn't go to class but he was also glad that he was helping a friend.

Sun's Pov:

I may be upset that I didn't get to go to school today. But I'm happy I got to help Moony, even if I was the cause of what happened. I think I'm starting to I catch feelings for him even though the kiss from earlier was just supposed to make him take his medicine but I was blushing like hell  so I must have loved it, I guess. I got tired so I soon drifted off to sleep even if I just woke up

Moon's Pov:

I looked at Sunny as he slowly fell asleep. I would take him to his room but I couldn't because I could hardly stand up without falling to the ground.
I watched TV for about another 3 hours then started to fall back asleep.

Tim skop tom mhe nest bay(and yes I ment the misspellings)

As I woke up I checked the time to see that we were late for school but I didn't care so I went back to sleep. But not even ten minutes later Sunny woke up in a panic "Sunny are you ok?" I asked "We're late for school!!!!"

"I know"
"you know I hate school"
"but you didn't have to let us be late?!?"
"sunny you know me better then that"
" fine whatever, but im not talking to you until you figure out how to make it up to me"

Hearing that scared me a little I knew sunny well but not that well. I don't even know when his birthday is mainly because I never asked, but still I just wish I wasn't so dumb and didn't wake him up. Now I might never talk to sunny again.
So I got up and finally got ready for school while sunny had already run out the door 5 minutes ago. I was just sitting there thinking about ways to make him speak to me again.

Time skip to hmmmmm oh I know! a week later

I haven't talked to sunny all week just because I didn't wake him up for school and I've been trying everything but it hasn't worked. Maybe I could ask him to the Valentine's dance is in a few days, and it's right before Valentine's mainly because it's on a Saturday. So I can get sunny to talk to me again I just hope that will make him speak to me again. At this point I'm very very VERY desperate.

So I asked him and......


At this point I'm a bitch for doing this y'all like I'm the worst!
I know y'all wanna fuck me up now but do I really wanna make the next chapter smut or fluff  you  decide and I'm not making the next chapter until you do.

I know that I'm evil

Word count:1107

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