Chapter Ten

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Lana called Mini the next morning. "Hey? How are you?"

"I'm fine, Lana." Mini sounded fine.

"Did you guys make up?" Lana was so confused.

"There's nothing to make up. I do need your help though. I've never been to Montana before. I need to find a good place to go. The best cities for single parents."

Lana was alarmed. Mini was still planning on leaving? "Oh. Wanna come over?"

"Sure. I just dropped Gin off at school. Is CJ there?"

"Yeah, I just dropped him off."

"Why didn't we see each other? Hmm. Anyway, I'll get the kids dressed and we'll be over there soon."


"Bye." Mini hung up.

Lana set her phone on the kitchen island and blew out a breath. Brad said things would get better. She had to hold onto that.


Lana opened the door for Mini and the kids. "Hey."

"Hey!" Mini smiled. "Go play with Añgie!"

The kids and dog ran off.

"Are you okay?" Lana frowned.

"Yeah." Mini set her things down and stretched. "I really hate the 21st century. I couldn't find maps anywhere. So we're going to have to do research on our phones."

Lana felt like crying. "You're really leaving us?"

"Honey." Mini hugged her. "You can visit. I'm sure there's things to do in Montana. We can do them all."

"I don't know. Don't you want to try to work things out with Gerald?"


Lana blinked, expecting more. "Oh. I don't know what to say."

"That you won't let this affect you and Brad. You're just starting to come together. I want you to be happy."

"Me?! Your life is imploding and you're worried about me?"

"Divorce is hardly new. I'll be fine. I just want you taken care of. Especially with me being so far away."

"Or you could stay?"

"No. I don't want to be living my life and look up and see him."

Lana led her to the kitchen. "See him with her?"

"Or anyone else. Or even alone."

"What happened when we all left last night?"


Lana went to the refrigerator and grabbed a non-diet, non-Coke drink for Mini and made coffee for herself. "So you ignored each other until you came here?"

"I guess I was ignoring him. I'm done. He no longer matters to me."

Oh no... Lana sweatdropped fearfully. When Mini was done with a person, they were erased from her as if they'd never existed. "I know you don't want to hear this but they make you take couple's counseling when you get divorced."

Mini's top lip curled in disgust.

"Yeah." Lana shrugged as she checked on her coffee. She hurried to turn from her friend so she wouldn't see how she felt about that.

Mini was quiet.

Lana turned back and saw Mini was on her phone, typing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm on Google. Just trying to find the safest neighborhoods in Montana."

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