abandoned boat

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ON THE ISLAND, THE DAY AFTER A HURRICANE WAS ALWAYS THE WORST. Debris everywhere, everybody running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Nothing about it was fun.

It's not until the second or third day when everyone collectively knows what they need to do and by then the chaos dies down.

Rory walked into the backyard to see just what Agatha was capable of; power cords were down, trees were broken, sticks spread out throughout the grass. Growing up in North Carolina, there were hurricanes almost every year, it's just something you have to deal with living there.

"What's the damage?" Grams asked Rory as she walked closer to the boats, slightly raising her voice so she could hear her.

The teen turned her head to look at her grandmother then pointed to the broken wood. "She got the dock, most of it is down."

Sure enough, there were only three planks left standing. Rory nodded her head, thinking about what could keep the boats tied, but none of the sticks around looked good enough to hold both ropes.

After an hour, the girl had completed her task. It definitely wasn't the best job but it would at least hold until her uncle could fix the dock.

"Good job, honey." Gram called to her, the woman would've helped but her knees would not appreciate the hard work. Before Rory could say anything, distant whooping and hollering pulled her attention to the small boat with four teens. "Go ahead, I'll have to go to the shop anyway." Grams told her.

"I'll help as soon as I get back!" She smiled before running off to the sand as John B pulled up as much as he could, Pope and JJ helping her in.

Gram watched as her granddaughters and her adopted grandsons sped away into the distance. She was very grateful that Kie and Rory had such a good group of friends, something that she didn't have growing up.

The woman knew that the kids would help her later on, which she appreciated but she wanted them to have their adventures. "Good morning, Deb!"

Grams looked to her right to see Susannah Fisher on her deck. "Good morning, honey." Grams greeted, waving her hand. "I'll send the boys over to help with anything you need."

"No, no. It's okay."

"Oh gosh, no. I insist, please get them out of my hair." Susannah laughed. Well how could she say no to that. Grams already had a list of things to do. Way more than ready to put Jereimiah to work.

The five teens got further into the water, Kie pulled beers from the small cooler and began passing them to everyone.

"You guys wanna see a party trick?" JJ asked, getting in the front of the boat.

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