He casually made his way to Inosuke, who had been running in slow motion, just before delivering a full force kick to his stomach.

With another snap, time had returned to normal; Inosuke then barreled into Eli, causing both boys to fall to the ground.

"Inosuke!! Eli!!" Tanjirou worriedly shouted.

"Are you two all right?" Rengoku questioned, maintaining eye contact with the two upper moons.

Angrily shoving Inosuke off of him, Eli surged to his feet. "No!! Of course we're not fucking alright!! (Y/N) is being held captive!! And— and (B/N) is..!!"

"I don't want to waste my time on weaklings," Akaza sighed exasperatedly. "If I were to fight anybody, it would be Kyojuro. But.." He looked down at you, "I have a certain brat to deliver to Muzan."

The mere thought of being within Muzan's possession made your blood run cold; the possibilities of what he'd do to you were endless.

You were practically dead, if that were to happen.

'Think, (Y/N), think! Deal with your feelings later, focus on getting out of Akaza's grasp!!'

Your gaze flickered down to your restrained, bloodied hand behind your back—your eyes hardening as your determination grew.

You reeled your leg forward, just before kicking him directly in the groin—showing no mercy whatsoever.

At this point, it was a signature move of yours.

Akaza released an agonizing scream, immediately releasing you in order to cup his pelvis. Blinking away your tears, you delivered a harsh slap to his cheek—your blood burning his cheek almost instantly.

As it sizzled and popped, Akaza clenched his eyes shut, yelling out in pain once more.

Releasing a short exhale, you quickly unsheathed your sword, swinging it at (B/N)'s neck; he wasn't suspecting your move—you could end it all right now.

Though, just before your sword made
contact with his skin—you faltered. A distant memory you'd shared with him quickly flashed through your thoughts.


It was just a few years ago—you couldn't be older than ten. It was the anniversary of your mother's death, and to no surprise—it was pouring.

Contrasted to your brother, you hardly showed your negative emotions; you were his rock. You were there when he needed you: it was rarely the same, as you refused to ask for help.

You left the refuge of the porch, choosing to seek optimism on such a bleak day. You stood within the rain, twirling.

"(B/N), see? It's a sign from mom— I'm sure of it! She always loved the rain!" You called, the rain drenching you entirely.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?! You're getting soaked!" (B/N) scolded, blinking in surprise as he watched you.

Releasing a giggle, you fixed your gaze toward him, forcing a believable smile. "Come on, don't be such a pessimist! Come here!"

You carefully made your way toward the porch, grasping his wrist tightly. Despite his complaints, you pulled him out into the rain, releasing a laugh.

"(Y/N), let go!! I'm going to get soaked—just like you! Seriously, I—!"

"So what, if you get soaked?! Look, (B/N)! It's the anniversary of mom's death, but she sent us a sign! Shouldn't we be taking advantage of it?"

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