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jazlyn's pov

me and india decided to go back today and tell them the truth i started packing up cause we are going to get a
apartment there "are you ready "i asked her "yep" she said starting the

durk pov
i woke up to loud knocks at the door i sit up wiping the crust out of my eyes and brushed my teeth whoever at the door can wait i went downstairs to and opened the door to see jazlyn and India "durk what are you doing at kentrell's and why is there a carseat on the damn couch" she said putting her hands or her hips "why do you Care" jazlyn said mugging her "well i still love him " india said "oh really" jazlyn said " just come inside" i told them

they walked in i closed the door "whats up" i said keeping my distance "well the reason why we left is because we like eachother and is going to get married" india said "ok what that gotta do with me" i said looking at her "wait ur ok with us getting married" she said looking at me " yea you left you left im in love. with someone already so yall can leave" i said knowing kentrell wants me back in bed

"ok wow we'll just be go-"she was cut off by kentrell walking downstairs getting a cup of juice he sipped his juice and blinked looking at us. "why yall looking at me" he said putting the cup down "wow trell ur pregnant thats new" jazlyn said "shole is " he said walking back upstairs i "ok yall can leave now" i said pushing them out the door i closed and locked it

i walked back upstairs going to our room only to see an empty bed "im in the bathroom" he said "ok " i said making up the bed i finished straighting up i went downstairs and made us food i put it on the table i got the baby stuff together for the. hospital i seen kentrell walk downstairs i smacked his butt then his gay ass gon smack mines back "bae thats gay" i said kissing him. " you gay what are you talking bout" he said

kissing me back "i know" i said "here i said handing him his plates he drops it i look down. to see his water. broke awwl shittt i picked him up and put him in the car i called everyone "hurry you big eyed bitch" kentrell said breathing hardly we got to the hospital stokeley and jah got here faster then ever

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