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kentrell pov
i cried as the blue powder exploded in the air i kissed durk "we havin a boy" durk said and smiled looking at me "i know" i said then he has the nerve to say " i want another one a girl" he said "damn durk give it a year i didn't even push this big head mf out yet" i said holding his hand "ight ok " he said kissing my stomach "i love you" he said

"i love you to"i said "i was talking to the baby but i love you to" he said i scunched my face up and pushed his head back "move dirt neck"i said i walking away to get a piece of cake i walked over to ben and durk friends im cool with them but sometimes they

act like a bunch of damn crackheads that didn't go to school "hey hows my nephew" he said hugging me "he not yo damn nephew he mine" von said pushing him aside making him fall into the gift table see what i mean just clumsy i shake my head as muwop fixes the table

"my bad" von apologize " i forgive you now go he is yall nephew bye" i said shooing them "heyy bestie" i said hugging ben "heyy so i have a huge surprise for you" he smiling and hugging me "well what- " i was cut off by him turning me around seeing jahseh and stokeley "JAH STOKELEY" i yell hugging them see jahseh and stokeley are my bestfriends since birth like me and ben but they moved away to Brooklyn "hey trell" they said

hugging me tight but not to tight "when did you get here" i said "we got here last Friday we wouldn't miss our nephew " stokeley said "ben thank you so much and thank yall for coming" i said smiling this is the best day ever

after the gender reveal some people left so it was just me ben stokeley and durk also his crack head of friends he got "we should watch a movie" i said "good idea lets watch Friday2" stokeley said we watched the movie and ate then everyone had to leave so. me and durk laid together in bed " we are really having a boy "durk said smiling "yes yes we are i love you so much durk derrick banks" i said "i love you to kentrell desean gaulden" he said kissing me then we fell asleep

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sorry i haven't updated yall are bout to get 2 more updates love yall

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