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I woke up with a slight hangover, I had a headache, I was so fucking thirsty. I roll over to the other side, there was a blond-haired girl, I could not see her face. Oh my god did I end up sleeping with Kiara? I decide not to disturb the girl sleeping, I roll over to the bedside table and try to order room service. 

"hi there, can I have 2 English breakfasts" "no that's it...thank you" I hang up the phone, the girl twitches around, turning towards me. "fuck" I said under my breath, it was not Kiara. Did I hook up with someone else?? 

"good morning" she said opening her eyes, she was pretty dont get me wrong, but she was not Kiara. I have no memory of even meeting this girl, the last thing I remember doing is staring at Kiara across the dance floor. "morning" I replied thinking of ways to kick her out. "did you sleep well?" she asked "yes...but woke up with a headache" "ahh...I didn't drink much last night so I feel a lot better" "okay....see...umm...I need you to leave" "why?" she waked sitting up on the bed. "I gotta be yeah", I said getting off the bed and grabbing my dressing gown " long you here for?" "not long" "you will call later?" she asked getting off the bed slipping into her dress "sure" I lied. "see you," she said giving me a kiss "bye" "bye". she left

"ahh great" I said plopping back on my bed when she was gone. I quickly get in the shower to get ready for the day before room service came. 

I step out of the shower to a call, "hello" "you up" asked Ellie. "yeah just got out of the shower" "we're going on a walk, wanna join us before brunch?" "fuckk....we have brunch planned dont we.."  "yeah....dont tell me you had breakfast already" "no...but I ordered room service" "well then cancel it" "okay....when are you guys going" " like 5 mins" "okay I'll join you" " us down in the lobby" "bye" "bye".I dry myself and get into my outfit for the day, today was the last day before all of us flew back to London, and Simon and Talia flew out to Bora Bora for their honeymoon. I call and cancel my breakfast, eat a few energy bars and head down to join vik and Ellie...

"how long do you take" vik complained as I was 15 mins late "sorry sorry" I said running to catch up with them. "didn't have a hangover?" Ellie asked as we walked out of the resort we were staying at "surprisingly no.....did have a headache when I got up...but that's it". 

we walked towards the nearby day market, it was lovely, with all sorts of small shops. People can buy almost anything at this place; trendy clothes, footwear, toys and other household items. Vik and Ellie get stuck in a furniture shop so I go and start exploring on my own. walk down a couple of stores, get bored on my own so I walk back to join them. Ellie was talking to some blond girl in a day dress "you should join sure Talia would love to have you there" "no no....I feel so out of place there" she said, "ahh there he is...JJ she's not ready to join us..."Ellie said pointing at me. the blond girl turns around. Of course, it had to be her "hailey or should I say Kiara" I say in the cockiest tone, "ahh...Mr KSI or should I say JJ" she said in an equally cocky tone. "im confused but we move, see you know JJ, ill be there Talia will be will be fun...please come" eliie said "yeah you should come"I said "is it? you want me there?" she replied " "yeah...why wouldn't I" I replied, slightly confused. "whats going on I missing something?" Ellie asked, "no-no" both of us replied at the same time "okay so you are coming?" eliie asked again "I guess" "yay!!" Ellie exclaimed "great then ill see you guys in a bit...ellie can I get your number" "yeah sure...ill text you the brunch location...we should be meeting up in an hour" ellie said as she typed in her number." bye" "bye".

we continued shopping for a while. "JJ....what was going on there" Ellie asked poking me in the side. "what do you mean?" "lad....both of us saw it....please dont tell me you hooked up with her"vik pitched in. "NO I DID NOT" "promise" Ellie asked, "yes....why would I?" "I dont know you guys were know suggestively yesterday.....and I felt some sort of tension right now" Ellie replied, "you lot are waffling.....can i not just dance with a girl?" "I mean you can but... it's you JJ"vik said "I mean fair...BUT NO WE DID NOT HOOK UP" "okay good....she is off-limits...Talia would literally kill you with you just fucked and chucked her" Ellie said firmly. " who said I would do that" i protested " gonna argue with me on this....when was the last time you called back a girl after sleeping with her" "umm....3 years ago..." "exactly"vik and Ellie said in unison "fuck off both of you".

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