"No it's- Sarah?" He asked.

His voice was familiar. That same British accent I knew when I was 12.

I looked up and a smile grew on my face.

"Luke?" I asked surprised. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh my god! My little SarSar!" He laughed.

"Oh shut up Lukey!" I laughed along with him.

Luke and I were childhood best friends he moved to Cali 4 days after my 12th birthday. He's 1 and half years older than me. He's just like a brother to Carly and I. Ever since he left the bullying started. He was the one who I guess 'protected' me.

"You've changed so much!" He said as we pulled away.

"So have you, but that accent," I laughed, "it never seems to change."

"Ha. Ha. Really funny." He said sarcastically as I giggled.

"What are you doing in LA?" He asked.

"Well Shawn, Carly and I came here for a holiday at a friends house," I smiled.

"Wait! Carly and Shawn are here too?! Are they dating yet?! Please tell me they are!" He jumped up and down like a little 9 year old girl.

"Jesus Luke! Number one, yes they are here, number two yes they are dating." I laughed.

"Holy shit! Finally! Took long enough!"

I just laughed.

"You're still that same dork I knew 5 years ago," I laughed.

"Well I've kind of changed with my looks haven't I?" He smirked.


"Well we should go back to the place I'm staying at so you can see Carly and Shawn again," I said.

He nodded as we walked towards the house again.

I was about to open the door when someone else did. I looked up to see Nash and Lily standing there. Nash's eyes were looking straight at Luke.

"Um can Luke and I please get through?" I asked snapping Nash out of his gaze.

He looked at me and clenched his jaw.

I decided to annoy him a bit.

'Fuck you, Grier,' I mouthed out before grabbing Luke's hand and pulling him inside.

"What was his problem?" Luke asked.

"Stupid old ex boyfriends," I sighed. Luke didn't answer back as I led him through the hall and towards the living room.

Shawn and Carly were sitting there watching TV and they looked up. Carly's eyes lit up and so did Shawn's.

"LUKE?!" They both screamed.

"CARLY AND SHAWN!!" Luke screamed back as he jumped on top of them making me laugh.

They talked for a long time catching up on things they missed out. The other girls and guys started to pour into the living room soon and of course they all really liked talking to Luke. Nash would send him a few glares while Lily sat there smirking and biting her lip at Luke but Luke was too busy talking to the others to notice.

"You seriously need to hang out with us more!" I squealed as I got out of my spot and sat next to Luke, linking an arm with his.

He turned around and looked at me before kissing my forehead making me remember all those memories of him doing that when we were younger.

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