I dont wanna post this

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anyways ananas is amab in this but still uses they/them prns lol

also this is very detailed to make you turn to god after reading this so hgjgjg welp

knight, princess, mango, and lilac were sailing on their ship across the tropical soda islands. the warm summer breeze quickly blew into them as the ship sailed across the waves.

they have been sailing for a while now. they were headed to the islands, as princess has never been there before and wanted to see it.

"I think we're almost there!" mango said, looking off into the distance. there was a slight image of a island in the distance. mango looked back at the others who was staring off into the distance while knight cookie looked seasick. he chuckled and turned back around to continue steering the ship.

they were suddenly knocked back for a second, then standing still once more. mango looked down to see that they have hit the sand. "lower the ladder!" mango yelled as lilac opened up a treasure box and pulled out a leather ladder. it was sort of worn, but at least it held up long enough to get in and out. he threw it down the side of the ship and they all climbed down, landing in the sand with an 'oomph'.

"woah! this is the island you were talking about?" princess looked around in awe, eyes constantly darting everywhere.

"yup! and this is also where the dragons live!" mango said in excitement as he pointed at the individual caverns. "that belongs to ananas, that one pitaya, and that one lychee. that other one belongs to artichoke, I know he isnt a dragon, but you guys haven't met him before."

"artichoke dragon? heh. that kinda sounds cool." knight cookie smiled before crossing his arms.

"well well. look's like we got visitors." a sudden voice boomed, they all turned around to see ananas standing there with their arms crossed.

"hey! we were just talking about you!" mango said as he went up to them and grabbed their hand, leading them over to the crowd. "this is princess, knight, and lilac. princess wanted to explore the island but she couldn't go anywhere without knight. lilac tagged along as well, kinda helpful though because he helps me out alot with the ship."

"hmph. you're the one who chopped off the end of pitayas tail, eh?!" they growled, baring teeth. knight cookie took a few steps away in fear.

"let's not fight! how about you show us around? I bet theres some places I haven't been before. have you ever met artichoke? does he ever make an appearance when you are out? where is-" mango was cut off by ananas covering his mouth with their hand.
"enough talk." they just said and walked off. the others stood there for a second before eventually catching up.

the gang were sitting underneath a palm tree, snacking away on some durian, coconut, pineapple, and wild berries. they were talking about whatever came to mind.

"lilac crashed the ship?"

mango chuckled. "yeah. he had too much berry juice one day and we went out sailing and he crashed it against a large rock. luckily we didnt get hurt, but only slight, but fixable, damage to the ship."

"mango, please kindly shut the fuck up." knight said while rubbing his temples. they all chuckled and mango looked embarrassed.

"when do you guys think we should head out? is it almost sunset soon?" princess said in a slightly worried tone. there was their each individual bedroom in the ship, but they would all rather sleep in their own house.

"I guess we should head out. OH! would you like to come with us, ananas?" mango immediately jumped up from where he was sitting and pressured towards them to come along.

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