Chapter 1

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" So this is it , huh." I said
"Sure is baby girl, if you hurry you can beat your brothers to the best room!" Daddy said to me
I was always a "daddy's girl". To him I was a princess and our house was my castle. I stepped into this Cinderella type house it was old fashioned , but really cool. I walked up stairs to my new and improved luxurious room. Of course it's not luxurious now but when I'm don't with it , it will be.
" Is this the one you want princess?" My dad asked
" Yes I'm sure if it." I smiled back
" Okay , we are all gonna try to sleep here tonight so why don't you figure out where you want your bed to be and we will get the movers to bring it in." my dad explained
I was deciding where I wanted my bed to be when something stopped me from my work . I looked out my window and I very handsome boy, from I'm guessing across the street with his mom, bringing a fruit basket to our house. How sweet. I smiled at him and I wasn't expecting this but he smiles back.
At my old house in California , i wasn't treated to good. Well I wasn't treated even like a human being-
"Alison, there's some nice people I want you to meet"my dad called from downstairs bracing me from my thoughts.
" Coming!" I yelled
I went down the new spiral staircase which I thought was amazing . The boy from across the street smiled and said-
" Hi, I'm Evan from down the street you must me Ali, is okay if I call you that. My cousin in Delaware has the same name so it's kinda a habit" ha laughed
" Yeah, that's fine every one calls be that." I smiled back
" Well why don't you guys get to know each other and take a walk or set up your room or something" my dad suggested
" Okay, follow me upstairs."i said

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