Home Sweet Home (2)

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Cuphead's POV

I finished the dishes and cooked some delicious food for dinner. Spaghetti and strawberry pie! I wanted to eat something sweet after an exhausted so called "adventure".

There wasn't a lot of ingredients in the kitchen so these are the only things I could make at the moment. 'So much for a fancy feast' I thought while putting the foods at the dining table and cleaned the kitchen. After I'm done, i called my bro and Boris to come and eat.

Both of them went downstairs all messy and covered up in ink. "Dude, what the hell did you guys clean up there?!" I crossed my arms "Eh.. Bendy's room?" Mugs replied and Boris rubbed his neck gently. "The ink was very sticky" Boris spoke up. That's weird, we left it for a few days and it's not dried up yet? Shouldn't it be oh I don't know fuse with the floor or something?

I brushed it off and told them to clean themselves up before touching any food. Both nodded and head towards the bathroom. I went to the living room and sat on the sofa, waiting for them. There's a newspaper on the table so I picked it up and read it.

"Ink monster attacks town.. Ughh why does the first thing I see have to be this?!" I rolled my eyes and flip to the next page "Ink monster, ink demon, goopy demon... Ink machine guardian? What?" I got so confused with the last name, ink machine guardian? Seriously who the hell calls it THAT? That thing literally DESTROYED the ink machine into parts again! What kind of guardian is that?!

"Whatcha reading bro?" I looked at the source of the voice "Nothing Mugs, just some idiot calling the ink monster a 'guardian' " I replied with a pissed off tone. "What? Where did they get that from?" Mugs asked again in a confused tone "Don't know don't care" I lifted my shoulders, not giving a frick about whatever those people think of

"Hey Cups.. Pfft-" For some reason Mugs look like he's about to.. Laugh? I got confused for a while before he spoke up again

"Pfft..HAHAHA You look like Felix when he's reading the newspapers!"


"Hahahaha but it's true! The way you sat and read the newspaper is exactly like him, you even started to sound like him!"


".... "


"Bro.. You're acting like a dad-"


Boris's POV

I happily put on my clothes and walk out of my room, I'm so excited for Bendy to go home! I'm sure he and Mr. Felix are on their way back home by now!

When I got out of my room, I heard.. Shouting and laughing downstairs? I got worried and quickly went downstairs. It seems like it's coming from the living room. I got there and I see a pissed off Cuphead and a laughing Mugman.

"Hey guys! Is.. Everything ok?" I asked the cupbros. Only Mugman looked at me while Cuphead turn his attention somewhere else. "Yeah everything is fine bestie! We were just talking about how much Cups acts like Felix-" "I DO NOT!" Suddenly Mugs's words were cutted off by Cups.

"Boris don't tell me you agree with my brother" Cups said while glaring at me. Mugman looked at me too with a curious face, probably hoping I would have the same opinion.

"Well uh... I.. Guess you do kinda sound like Mr. Felix-" And I probably shouldn't have been to honest. "I knew I wasn't the only one who sees this!" Mugs exclaimed. On the other hand, I'm already regretting what i said. I'm ready for Cuphead's angry shouting but no, he stayed silent for a bit and sighed " *sigh* Let's just eat dinner now, I'm not in the mood to argue more" Cups said and head straight towards the dining room. Me and Mugs exchange looks, we were both confused but decided to brush it off and followed Cuphead to the dining room.

Ink Illness: Double Ink ( BABTQFTIM Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now