part 2

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Jay headed to hospital . with his arriving every maid of there house including Heesung and Sunghoon got surprised rather disgusted by the appearance of their master with som messy hair , lipstick marks on his face , scent of female perfume and so on ......... a moment of scilence went by ............ Sunghoon lost his controll and hit Jay with a strong punch " You fu*king monster ..... whom you have fu*ked this time ?? ha??? your lover was slept on the couch while waiting for you and you were having a great time with mrs Yang right ??? you were with her last night ??? you promised Jake you will spend your birthday with him and he kept waiting untill his condition worsen ????what the hell were you thinking?? what has gotten into y......."

Jay cut him off and was trimbling with rage and spoke up against all the alligations made against him . " What the hell are you saying ?? I don't even know where I was last night I can't even remember a thing and you are blaming me for cheating on sweetie??? are you serious?? You think I will cheat on sweetie for these female creatures??" He hurried to the ICU room entrance . Suddenly he was stopped by Heesung and told him not to meet Jake . Jay was really confused and asked Heesung holding his shoulder " come on Hee tell me what is going on in here ?? Why everyone is so angry with me ?? what have I done wrong ??? "

Sunghoon pushed Jay away and hide Heesung behind him . Sunghoon said " Don't relay your filthy hands on my Hee"

Doctor came and delivered a spellbound news . everyone present on the hall was stunned . Anyone had no word to comfort each other. Upon hearing Heesung broke into tears . Sunghoon felt guilty and moreover Jay couldn't utter a word he grabbed the coller of the doctor and said " what the hell ?? you are lying!!! this can't be true!!!! you must have done something to him ??? right ??? I am gonna kill you???? "

Then Sunghoon clammed Jay down and told everyone to give them some space ...

in the waiting room

" I am sorry Jay I didn't mean to say those words but can you tell me what happened last night??? "

Jay said " I don't know anything!! i was just heading home with a rose bouquet after dropping Mrs Yang in her hotel but suddenly my eyes blurred and I woke up today in Mrs Yang's room with no one arround!!!! "

Heesung said "I can sense what must have happened but how did Jake endup like this ?? you know his room was locked from outside , blood on all the sheets of the bed and he was holding pictures of you and Mrs Yang !!!! he was looking terrible..... he was pale and moreover I couldn't sense his heartbeat !!!!! I was so scared so I called Sunghoon and we admitted him ....."

Jay was shocked and said "what ??? my pictures with that lady ?? ooohhhhh gad how these things all messed up and ended up like this ???"

Jungwon suddenly knocked and came in . brother ??? "what is up to you you look terrific . And i came to tell about a flexible news that the rat who sneaked into honey's room and did so much damage to him and us is captured and is in dark room also we captivated the bit*h who delivered those pictures to him "

Jay : good now they will see my rage those busterds !!!! who dare they put their hand and tongue and di*k to my sweetie????? they desired to die right ??? fine I will give them the most cruel death in the world!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Sunoo pov

I don't know what happened but why brother called me to hurry their mansion. There must be some bad things came i have to hurry . Driver please hurry up its urgent .

upon reaching the Lee mansion Sunoo sensed some bad aura and quickly went through the gate . It seemed that the pavement made of white Marvel's lost their glory . the trees standing the both sides are sad . The glittering front door designed by Jake are praying for something . The hall room was awarkedly silent . The walls and the furniture are screaming in guilt for some crime as if they witnessed everything but couldn't do anything to give the victim justice .

Finally he reached the garden where Sunghoon , Heesung , and Jay were waiting. He looked at their faces and sensed something had happened to Jake . He then asked " what happened to Jake ??? is he alright?? "

then tears started falling from their eyes with a lot of pain and guiltness , no one was ready to start a conversation about what had happened but Sunghoon then gather up his all courage and told " Jake is sexually assaulted throughout the night and in the morning he faced a total mental breakdown by some conspiracy and now is in hospital fighting with death"

Sunghoon said it in one breath and then cut off by Jay " that's enough for the information"

Sunoo predicted this attack be coming but didn't thought to get bleed this much. He then without wasting anymore time stood up and said " What I have to do ?? " Heesung said," something is up with your lover call him and tell to meet us tomorrow at 8.00 in our office . "

ring ring........

the phone rang and it was the doctor . " Jake has woke up but he is still unconscious only kept saying ' no Mr Yang please leave me don't do this to me please I beg you ' these things I don't know how to handle this situation. He is going out of control. So I called you please hurry"

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