Ch. 4

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Namra walked past the hallways with her fist curling ball as still she could remember how the two of them shared a hug in front of her eyes with the fair girl that was bothering her mind for three days straight. Since that day when she met her in the library, Namra honestly paid a lot more attention than usual to the pupils silently as she was waiting for the small girl to appear from her sight, just to take a look at her good pretty face.

"Namra!" Somebody called her as she walked past students, getting out of her trance she found the voice only to see a senior woman with a pulled out hair slightly taller than her approaching. Namra could only stop from her tracks as she waited for the other to come from where she was standing.

"Ms. Park told me to tell you that she was looking for you." The woman started. "She said if you could come by the faculty room so she could talk to you about something. Don't ask me what it is about 'cause I really fucking don't know either. She just sent me here to tell you." The woman hissed, putting her hands inside her pocket pants and looked at her surroundings. Namra could only nod as she wasn't surprised by the language of this girl in front of her, She got used to it as well as anyone.

"Thanks, Mijin." Namra said with her monotone voice as she continued to walk past her senior and head her way to the faculty room as she Mijin said where her English teacher is. Less than a minute or two later she's now right in front of the faculty room knocking once. Namra wouldn't even bother to think or to be curious about what tasks she would be assigned with, she had no choice to do it anyways. She wouldn't bother to complain about it unless she was against it and so far nothing was against her. The door quietly opened as a middle aged man suddenly appeared and took a step side so the pale girl could go inside. She spotted Ms. Park was sitting in front of her laptop at her desk as she walked towards the woman.

"Good afternoon Ms. Park." Namra greeted. "Senior Mijin told me that you wanted to meet me, what is it about?" Namra directly went to the point.

"Of course. I just have something to finish here quickly. Please take a seat first so we can discuss it." Ms. Park cooed with a small smile. Namra obeyed and took the seat that's in front of the lady's desk and waited for her to start. Without a minute passing by the woman finally took a last press on her keyboard and looked at Namra. The pale girl sat there in silence with a cold expression watching Ms. Park.

"Well, you see I need to ask you a favor if you wouldn't mind. I have a student that requires a tutor and I gave her a special project since she's not doing well at my subject. In fact she's not doing well at any of them since she had some things going on and it's been so tough for her." Ms. Park took a pause and heaved a sigh sitting straight. "She won't tell us what's going on. She said that she will still continue with this school year and didn't want to take a break instead, and I was intended to give her a monitoring plan and have you for her as a tutor, if that's okay with you of course, for her to keep up. You're honestly the best that could give her as a guide when she goes through this. And hoping you would accept it, but if you don't want to take it then it's fine, No pressure I still have other students to talk to about this. I just want somebody to check on her." The teacher ends with a hint of worry in her tone. Namra can't help but notice it. She always saw Ms. Park cared about every single one of her students. She understood why she was there now.

However, hearing Ms. Park's task for her she immediately had a question in her mind. She wouldn't actually mind teaching anyone as long as it goes on them both and that somebody won't be a pain on the ass. She looked again at the lady and met her gaze.

"I'll accept it as long as she copes up with me and if she's really willing to continue, it won't be a problem." Namra plainly agreed.

Ms. Park felt like a bag lifted up from her chest as the young one agreed. She gave her student a warm smile and said,

"Thank you, Namra."

Suddenly they heard the door open as a small figure came in causing the two of them to turn heads.

Namra could only leave awestruck as she saw the girl again here. But still with her face straight.

"Onjo, you're right on time." Ms. Park cooed as she gestured to the other one to take the seat right in front of the pale girl. The small girl obeyed. As for Namra. Namra was quite surprised. As always whenever she saw the girl's presence in front of her.

It's you.

Namra didn't say a word at all and let Ms. Park introduce them to each other.

Ms. Park could only look to the smaller, to Namra and from Namra to the smaller girl, not noticing that Namra was a little stiff seeing the girl again up close who is now sitting in front of her. Of course she wouldn't. She thinks that's just her normal expression meeting people from the Ice president. However, she was glad. With a smile Ms. Park spoke.

"So, This is the girl that I've been talking about Namra. Her name is Nam Onjo." Ms. Park turned to Onjo. "Onjo, this is Namra the one who's going to be your tutor, I hope you girls will get along as you spend time with each other as Namra agreed to be with you during your individual monitoring." Onjo turned to the girl in front of her who's already looking at her, meeting her gaze. For a second Onjo tried recalling from where she had seen the other as her brain told her that she saw the girl somewhat familiar but she can't remember at this time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Namra."

The two girls planned what their study schedules would be and how would it go on along with the teacher, the place where or how often they would meet in a week.

Mostly, Ms. Park did all the talking as the two girls were attentively listening to their teacher sitting in silence. Namra often would steal a glance at the other as she was nodding her small head and agreeing with every Ms. Park was saying.

Cute. As Namra thought.

Namra finds out that the latter transferred to their school and moved here, to hyosan last year as Ms. Park mentioned. That's why maybe she didn't see her that much everyday. But still the thought of having an alone time with Onjo would be an opportunity to know her as she wanted for the past few days. This might be a good start to have a chance at being close to an angel.


It's been a while right? I really have to keep up and I honestly forgot that i have a Wattpad account :'> some stuffs are going on as well and I apologize for ghosting you guys for a couple of months.

Namra finally met Onjo! Thanks to our best teacher, Miss Park :) Namra already has some basic stuff that she knows from the latter. However we will continue its flow and tune in for what would happen for the next few days they would spend some time together.

Your Hands In Mine (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant