Ch. 2

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The next morning went well for most of everyone, not much of the happenings to talk about, however Namra couldn't stop herself but to think about the girl she saw from the library yesterday. She knew that she was going to this school too. But how come she never sees her around.

It was already lunch time. And the other students were sitting with their usual groups and tables inside the cafeteria, probably chattering about how their days were going on the fine day. As usual, Namra would sit alone with an empty table right beside in the school's cafeteria, where she could sit right next to a window as the light of the sun would let in. She low-key loves the sunshine. She found it calming and warm. And the light coming from it is just enough for her to be the natural light for reading.

However, Namra would still try to glance up from her book and look at everyone who entered the cafeteria, in her upset she wasn't seeing anyone she expected her to be there. Namra could only sigh and shook her head.

Why am I even expecting you? I don't know you.

Her sudden interest with someone somehow brings a bag on her chest. She wasn't fond of herself expecting anyone.

Little by little she tries to forget about the girl and brings herself to her usual, since the afternoon yesterday was already headed home but she couldn't. The certain girl was still stuck in the pale girl's mind.

Bringing back her attention to the novel she was reading realizing it's already on the last part. She's done.

Quietly, she stood up and brought her water bottle and her apple with her. She's not that much of a heavy eater and she sometimes loses her appetite for things. That's why she wouldn't bother to eat anything at all, sometimes, most of the time, rather. Unless it's a strawberry ice cream. She loves strawberry ice cream.


She headed to the library and returned the book but probably will borrow another one from them. She went to the librarian and asked her for another read, anything that she could have interest in. Her pick.

As she walked around the place to find something specific for her. Something caught her attention, rather— Someone.

She was in a little shock to find the certain girl that has been in her mind since yesterday afternoon. Namra watched her from afar as she was quietly sitting on the other side from where Namra was standing.

You're here.

She couldn't believe that she saw her again. Namra felt slightly— happy.

For a moment, she watched the latter in silence. Feeling stunned by her beauty again.

The sunlight from the window made her glow more as it was like her own spotlight inside the room.

There was something in the raven haired girl who wanted to know more about the mysterious girl.

In the middle of her mind, she wanted to approach her and talk to her. But for any other conclusions she's not that kind of a person. She's always been so snobbish around everyone else. But this woman somehow made the thought of befriending her wasn't that kind of a bad idea.

She wanted to walk towards that direction but she didn't know how to. She didn't want to scare her off, and be a creep that would suddenly approach someone just to say something weird and be an idiot.

What am I doing?

Namra almost whispered to herself. She didn't know her, yet she had the sudden interest that no one could ever have from the ice president.

What's with her that anyone else hasn't? There's still a lot of pretty girls that were more talkative and friendly. But Namra wouldn't bother giving any attention to them.

But in any other ways she wouldn't like to just stand there and stare at her like a creep as much as she wanted to adore the angelic face of the latter, that wouldn't be so nice in the sight of everyone including Namra herself.

After lunch time all of the students went to their own respective rooms and classes to start the other half of the day. Going along, Namra participated whenever it was needed and didn't bother at all saying anything, unless it's related to their topic. nothing but the answer that her teacher would like to hear.

Among the students they were still quite impressed by how Namra is full of knowledge and was able to answer all of those questions without any sweat. Even talking to her would make you feel like stepping into a cold weather without any coat brought for yourself. It could feel awkward, that's why they wouldn't even try to approach her.

On her usual routine she will always head inside the library again or to do some errands as the class student council president. For now nothing seems to be important to have some reason to go to the faculty, and she felt like going home now.

Fixing all of her stuff in her bag bringing her airpods in her ear with music that she would enjoy. She dashed off and walked  to her home earlier.

Walking outside her highschool. Students who were around running, walking or maybe even staying for a long bit around can always be seen everyday.

As the loud music can be heard through Namra's ears she couldn't hear anything in her surroundings.

Suddenly Namra was cluelessly walking on her own way when a group of guy students were ready to run towards her.

One of the students almost ran over Namra, losing control of his speed.

Namra, who still didn't know what was about to happen to her suddenly got away from the student who almost crashed into her as someone grabbed her arm out of the way. Instead of crashing with someone with much force her body suddenly landed on a smaller figure.

Namra's heart skipped a beat from coming into the reality of her surroundings.

She quickly took off her airpods from her ear and turned around to face the one who pulled her from her arm.

Only to see— the girl from earlier in the library that kept Namra dazed. Namra felt surprised as she was near her and now beside the girl who caught her, literally holding her arm. Recovering from the incident but still startled she tried to compose herself.

"You should be careful wearing those with a high volume outdoors or at least just wear one piece if you don't want to end up somewhere you wouldn't like." Namra's ears tingle when she suddenly hears the woman in front of her talk. Namra felt her heart thump more than before, more than she startled herself hearing the soft tone from the smaller girl, but the latter kept her face straight.

"P-pardon?" Namra stuttered, feeling a little uneasy.  Namra could only watch the smaller girl pursed her lips looking anywhere but her. The other gripped on her book which she was holding and let go to the taller one's arms. Without any words coming out from her again she walked away, leaving Namra dumbfounded as she watched her walk away.

Namra left speechless, blinking again for a couple times after shaking her head from her thoughts.

What was that?

Namra held her chest as she felt her heart still on above normal. It could be usual for someone who's startled from what happened, almost causing her to have an injury by bumping into someone.

But it was something that she felt towards the smaller girl. For a second she talked to Namra, She felt like jumping in joy hearing how soothing and soft the latter's tone is.

She bit her lip as a smile threatened to come out from her thin lips.

A smile? I never smile.

Then she tried not to.


Namra had the chance to hear her voice causing her heart to beat fast. Why is that?

hey, y'all. this is actually scheduled to be posted yesterday, sorry for the delayed update though here it is! i hope you guys enjoyed it.

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