Chapter 3

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The two roamed the halls, Felix listening intently to Y/n explain what each room was. He memorized the layout of the halls with ease as the girl continued to chatter on and on.

"And this is the cafeteria, Felix." Y/n said, pushing open the gigantic doors. The room was relatively empty, except for the sound of steam and footsteps that filled the kitchen.

The grad marble floors shimmered through the huge windows that covered the wall to the left. Table organized in perfect cicular areas. Y/n dropped a box on the nearest table and pulled out a chair.

"We haven't gotten to know each other too well Felix. Take a seat," She patted the chair next to her.

The blonde rolled his eyes, uninterested but he still sat down. (All of these are my personal headcanons, they may or not be canon idk. I don't think much was revealed about Felix's character in his episode. Ya girl also has no fucken idea when he was birthed so ima say jabnuary 5th, he gives me capricorn vibes.)

"So, tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What's your favorite color and what do you like to do in your free time? Stuff like that. Oh and your birthday, it's important to know a future good friend's birthday." Y/n smiled, stirring some tea with a spoon in her thermos.

"My mother and I live in England. London specifically," He began, hesitantly. Hiding his lips behind his gray dress shirt's sleeve. "My favorite colors are monotone blacks and grays, but I also like certain blues. I despise Navy. I often play chess, Karate and Basketball-"

"But what do you LIKE to do," Y/n emphisized, "Don't tell me stuff you don't like, I wanna know what you love. That's the whole point of this conversation."

"I like to read and play piano... and magic. I like magic." He admitted, "I'm not one for sweet things but I enjoy eating crepes and certain ice creams. I don't have a middle name, so don't ask and My birthday is the 5th of January."

Y/n clapped, "Capricorn then? I'm proud of you for coming out of your shell, Mr. Dark and Gloomy. So you like Magic and Piano? Maybe you should show me a few tricks sometime and maybe play me a few songs if you like."

Was someone actually interested in him beyond Adrien? His perfect little goody two shoes cousin. No. How could he be so foolish? To think someone cared for him beyond wealth and his pretty little cousin. Not a chance. He'd play along for now.

"Perhaps someday. What about you though, tell me about yourself." Felix diverted convesation quite well.

"Oh, well I lived in China with my mom for a while before we offically moved to Paris when my parents got married in Beijing. Then Marin was born like a year after me, I was one so I don't really remember much. But, I've lived here ever since. I like f/c of course and I'm on the volleyball and fencing teams, I like sports but I like books too. I'm a big Jane Austen fan, and I've always wanted to learn how to play piano. I like to sing and dance and adding piano to the arsenal just feels right, not to mention it's a beautiful instrument to play. Just lovely, really. I play chess with my dad sometimes, so I might be able to play a few games with you if you'd like. I absolutely love sweet foods and breads, my parents are the best bakers in Paris after all and I adore tea. Green and Chamomile are definite favorites, ginger and mint too. My middle name is m/n and My birthday is (your birthday). Am I chattering too much? I'm sorry I like to talk," She apolgized, waving a hand in the air.

"Would you like to go to the music room or the library? They have books and chess in the library but the music room has a nice grand piano and it'd be nice to hear you play...." She said, twiddling her thumbs.

Felix rolled his eyes once again, "Alright, I'll play a piece or two. Lead the way, idiot."

Vanity (Felix Graham De Vanily x Marinette's Older Sister! Reader) | ✔️ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang