I thought it would last longer PT 1

Start from the beginning

"I am being straight up."

"There was a first." I held my tongue after I heard a growl come from my sister.

"I am sorry... Continue."

"Good.... Anyway, what I was saying was you should break up with Josh. I don't trust him, don't like him, and you need to save yourself for your mate. He might be 5 '9 blond hair and blue eyes but I still don't think you should be with him. You only have a year until you find your mate."

"It's ok, like you said I have a year until I meet my mate. I will just break up with him two months before my eighteenth birthday, happy?"

"No... But I guess that will have to do I guess." After that she left and started to get dressed because after she said that she was being straight up I had to listen, and I am glad because I never thought what I would do with Josh because I kind of love him. My train of thought that lasted for five minutes was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Hey you, ok?" Olive came in with Caressa, both of them in their death traps/her heels.

"Ya me and Mirabelle had a conversation that got me thinking, that's all what can I do for you ladies?"

"We just came in to check up on you because you were taking forever whichever happens, so we came to see if you were ok." Caressa looked worried when she said this.

"Ya I am ok I will be down there in a few minutes."

"Ok we love you." They said in unison. It made all three of us giggle at the same time which made us laugh. They left after a few minutes after that and went into my closet and got out an oversized red and white flannel, ripped jeans, and my white puma high tops on and left my room, went down the stairs. Everyone was waiting on me and when I got downstairs, they smiled at me, and I waved and got my car keys off the counter and made my way to my charger convertible that was black with gray streaks on it. It had two really great things about it: one it was a stick shift, and two, it was really loud, like shaking your windows loud. I unlocked my car and Josh got in and I saw my sister walking to her car, and I honked the horn at her making her jump a little. It was funny.

"I love you sissy good luck college fresy." I said smiling at her and she just rolled her eyes at me and below a kiss to which I returned. I put the car in drive and hit the clutch so that I could move the stick. I pulled into the school parking lot. I put the car in park and looked at Josh and smiled and he returned it and kissed me on my lips and made me chuckle. I didn't have to worry about the radio because I never listen to the radio when I drive. I just like to enjoy the silence and the feel of the road under the petals.

"Hey, are you ok Josh you don't seem like yourself for the past three days?"

"Ya I am fine baby. I love you." This time I didn't blush because I didn't believe him.

"Ok you will tell me if something was wrong with you wouldn't you."

"Yes, babe. Your ready?"

"Ya.... Love you too..." I said it hesitant because for some reason it was getting really hard to trust him and especially around Draya. But I put it at the back of my head not wanting to think or talk about it anymore. So instead, I opened the door and got out. Josh came around the hood of the car and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and once his arm was around my shoulder, I laced his fingers with mine. We walked up to the school one building's front door just as Olive, Caressa, and Draya came into view.

"Hey guys, you ready for all those fun tests today...I mean how can you not? That was the whole reason I came to school....Well that and you guys of course," I said in a sarcastic voice but the second part was not.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or a joke." Draya said in a dry voice.

That made me mad because ever since I shifted, I have had a short temper, but Olive and Caressa have been fine. They have their bubble happy side, but very rarely will they get mad. But all of a sudden, I got really tense and my eyes started to turn an Icey blue. (That is my wolf's eye color. She is all white, and her name is stella.) Olive noticed first and she elbowed Caressa in the ribs, and they stepped forward to distract Josh and Draya.

"Hey...Will you guys go inside and wait for us? We need to talk to Ruby for a minute about something. Ok?"

"Ya ok. See you later babe."

"Umm...Ok." and with that Draya and Josh walked inside.

"Hey...Hey Ruby You need to breathe." Olive said in a motherly voice.

"Hey... Ruby you're ok just breathe with me ready.... In.... Out." I did that for a minute and felt a lot better.

"Thank you, guys. See this is why I keep you around still." I laughed at the last part and so did the girls because they knew that we helped each other out. With that I walked into school with a smile on my face and my best friends by my side. We walked to our first hour class.

By the end of the day, I was really tired and ready for tomorrow which was Saturday. FINALLY. I thought. I got in my car and waited for Josh. After about ten minutes of me waiting for him, I decided to go looking for him.

I found him arguing with Draya about something and I couldn't really hear so I used my wolf hearing.

"I will tell her tonight. At the party tonight. Ok?" What?! I wasn't told there was a party the first time I heard about it. I heard them stop talking and I turn on my heels as fast as I could and ran to the front door of the school and acted like I just walked in and saw them holding hands making their way to the door but before I could get a better look, they saw me and dropped their hands like the game hot potato game.

"Hey guys." I said, waving my hand at them.

"Hey." Draya said in what sounded like disgust.

"What are you doing here? I asked you to wait in your car for me." Are you being serious right now? Why was he being distant all of a sudden?

"Ya, you told me that like thirty minutes ago so sorry if I thought someone drowned you in a swirly." I said with an eye roll and rising anger. "But it looks like Draya got you handled."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, let's just go. Ok?" He just scoffed at me. That got me really mad. "Draya, do you need a ride?" I said through clenched jaws.

"Ya, sure."

"Let's go then." I said in my happy sarcastic voice. Ok I was starting to get really mad but I was not going to show it.

" Is this where you want to be dropped off at Draya?"

"No, can we please go down a little further." she said as I with a mental eye roll.

"Here we are." She spoke. Then she got out without even saying thank you. Wow. What's her problem?

"Hey babe I am throwing a party tonight can you come?"

~Authers Note~ 

In the original one I had my main charters wolf talk, but I feel as though my charter should only feel how the wolf feels because though the story I really don't use the wolves, it just makes the story better anyhow. 

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