
"Mom, just don't." Cameron sighs as he gently pulls her away from me.

"I have apologized countless times!" She sobs as she steps towards me. "I was miserable –"

"Being miserable never gives you the right to take it out on others!" I sneer harshly and her eyes widen when I get up close and personal. "If I ever have a child and end up in the same position as you I would rather die than not give them every ounce of my love. My misery wouldn't touch my child and that's exactly what you should've done!"

"Why can't we try now?" She whimpers and I chuckle humorlessly.

"We can." I reply smoothly and watch her eyes light up with hope. "If you divorce dad."

And just like that it shatters in front of me. Hesitation and panic seep into her eyes as she swallows harshly, not knowing what to do. She knows she'll lose all the money, properties and the life of luxury if they ever divorce. Her silence acts as an answer.

"Mom?" Cameron questions with furrowed brows and turns to look at me when I sigh. It's the first time he's seen her refuse to do it so I understand why he's confused. He catches on quickly though and scoffs before turning back to glare at her heatedly. "Wow! Why the hell do you try so hard when you're not ready to do whatever it takes?!"

"It's alright Cam." I shake my head with a sad smile before turning to her. "Leave me the fuck alone because I won't hesitate to beat you to death like you used to do to me."

"Marcella –"

"That's enough." Cameron interrupts quietly before taking my hand and pulling me out of the room.

We get to my bedroom and I have the quickest shower ever before getting changed. Cameron is typing away on his laptop when I exit the bathroom but pauses to send me a reassuring smile as I put my shoes on. I check my phone to see I have two minutes to get down to the cells which only elicits a heavy sigh.

"It'll be alright Mar." Cameron squeezes my shoulder as he gives me a side hug.

"Thanks." I smile weakly before he tells me that he needs to get to an impromptu meeting set by dad.

"I'll give you the details tomorrow. If you need me before then just shout." He grins boyishly before rushing out of the room when I nod.

I groan before putting Judah's clip back in my hair. I'm sure whoever is on listening duty is going to hate this. Steeling my nerves, I make my way down to the basement level where all the traitors are trapped in cells. Multiple men nod at me as I walk along the freezing cold floor before carrying on with their own duties.

A beast of a man killing a woman with a hammer to her head makes me flinch before I meet his warm brown eyes. He lets out a breathless chuckle as he stands and wipes his bloodied hands on a rag. Rodrigo Castillo.

He's the head interrogator and my father's most trusted man...well, that is until Cameron started training to takeover. Turns out Rodrigo hates my father's guts with a fiery passion after he took him forcefully from his family at the age of nineteen. He's twenty-five now and itching to leave this hellhole.

"I'm surprised you aren't six feet under Marcie girl!" He roars out a laugh as he pulls me into a hug.

"You and me both Rod." I snort before pulling away. "I'm sure you're already aware of my punishment."

His eyes flash with sympathy as he drapes an arm over my shoulders. "I've got you so don't worry. You'll be out of here soon."

"Thanks Rodrigo. Let's get on with it then...where's my guy?" I mutter and he guides me to a blindfolded man tied to a chair with a chuckle.

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