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This chapter contains a shootout scene that results in the death of two unknown Mayans.

The time from when we were dropped off until midnight flew by. I made the last purchase of the night, four energy drinks and some snacks for Adam and I to share.

Vic locked up and headed out. He'd been a good enough guy. He was clearly on edge. Something was going down and I think he knew about it. I double checked to make sure things were properly locked and secured when he left because he gave me an uneasy feeling.

"What's the deal?" Adam asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, taking a sip from my energy drink as sitting down on the counter.

"Before Kozik left he gave me a gun, told me if I shoot it, it becomes mine," he said.

"Just for protection," I said with a shrug. I technically wasn't supposed to be anymore in the fold than him.

"Why're you wearing a bullet proof vest?"

"For safety," I said. "Got a lot of organs in there that would be very devastated if they got shot."

He just shook his head and opened a drink.

"How'd you get to be a prospect anyways?" He asked.

I told him about doing jail time after a favor for the Sons gone south and getting out and demanding a kutte and protection. I even told him about the fight with Half-Sack that left us both worse for wear. I was thoroughly annoyed that Sack was no longer a prospect because he was at least decent. Phil is cool and I think Miles will do well in the life.

We continued talking until about 3:00 am when some bikes pulled up out front.

"Get down," I whispered. I tried to peer around the counter and through the all glass front door. It wasn't working. There were two guys. The broke through the door and started firing at us.

I pulled my gun and shot back, hitting the closer of the two before the second turned his gun on me. We must've shot at exactly the same time because about the time he fell, I collapsed backward with a searing pain in my right arm.

When Adam realized the gun fire was over he bolted. I got up and pressed the two as I grabbed a bandana off a nearby rack and formed a sort of pressure for my gunshot wound.

"Hello," he said. I'd woken him up.

"Koz I need you to come get me and bring Sack and Juice there's two dead Mayans to dispose of."


"Long gone," I said.

"I'm on my way," he said. I sat back down on the counter and one of the Mayans groaned. Great they weren't dead.

"The hell did you come here for?" I asked, holding my gun up with my left hand as best as I could.

"Vic owes us," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He gasped for air but must've been bleeding out because he didn't respond and I was losing too much blood to rush to his aid.

I don't know for sure when Kozik arrived but I know he did because I heard him barking orders at Juice and Half-Sack as he grabbed something and re-wrapped my arm.

"Edith, wake up Killah," he said.

"Koz," I said. "I'm loosing too much blood. Need a doc."

"You'll be okay," he said. "Chibs would be useful right now. I don't supposed you can talk me through helping ya heal up."

"Get some whiskey and pour it on there," I said. He must've done just that because it felt like someone had shoved a branding iron inside the open wound.

"Fuck, is it spurting or gushing?" I asked, trying to look down at it.

"No, just a little blood," he said.

"Butterfly stitches to keep it closed. Then gauze and tape," I said. He nodded and did just that.

By this point Juice and Sack were itching to get out of there. Someone had called Scuff and he'd come down to clean the place up. He was a good friend of the club and knew this could happen.

"It's Vic," I said. "Owes the Mayans."

"Thank you. You're good people too," he said, kissing my head as Kozik kept an arm around my waist and led me out to the tow truck. He took me back to the clubhouse and immediately to his room.

"You're staying with me tonight." I nodded and he pulled my kutte and hoodie off to get my vest off as well.

"Hot shot, you got hit in the vest too," he said, his hand freezing over the mark on the vest.

"Left hipbone area," I said.

"An inch lower would've been in your hipbone," he said.

"I thought so," I said. "Wasn't as important as the one in my arm though."

"You're lucky it was through and through," he said. I nodded a bit as he took my boots off. He threw a blanket over me before we both fell asleep.

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