Chapter 12

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"Thank you" he said


"Thank you.."

He gave you some papers and there was all things and you needed to sign some of the papers..

He gave you pen and you wasnt sure did you really want to sign the papers

His eyes were sad but happy.. kinda relieved

Your hand shaked little bit but your dad stopped it..

"Calm down y/n" he said

You took deep breath and signed the papers..
He looked at them and stood up and so did you

He held out his hand so you shaked his hand...

"Now youre the head of this family" he said and could see him smiling and that wasnt normal

You walked towards the door with your dad and opened both doors

"Here we have the new head of this family" your dad stated and you were kinda embarrased

"Erimi's eyes were on fire and she left upstairs and Fukuhara gave you little smile..

3 weeks later

So i still go to the school obviously and you went to the school after you become the head of this family and the things there were changed..

1 week passed and you got a call from Fukuhara that your dad's situation got worse so they needed to call the doctors..
So these few 2 weeks you have been in home and Erimi was there too but you two didnt talk..

You dad was in bad condition and sometimes you went to see him in his room and he looked awfull..

You didnt understant him but still it was weird and you knew he is not gonna last longer..

You was standing behind her door and knocked and stepped in..

He looked at you and smiled

"y/n thank you for coming here" he said and couched

You sat next to him on the bed

"I know you dont understant me y/n and that you may still hate me but ive wrote you this letter and when im gone i want you to read this.. i also told Fukuhara to tell you everything about you and me and mum.. " he said almost whispering

"Dont worry dad" you said placing your hand on top of his

You didnt want to be rude to him because he was dying and well these past 3 weeks hasnt been that bad and well Fukuhara also told you something already

"Y/nn i just wanted to say that ive always love you and you and Erimi were the best thing ever that happend to us" he said

You felt like crying and this time you allowed yourself to cry.. tears run down your cheeks and didnt believe that someday you didnt hate your dad that much and you were scared to lose him..

"Dad.. dont worry.. i love you still" you said and yoi tried to hug him

"I will always love you"

You cried and your tears was on his shirt and you felt how his breathing was weaker until it stopped..

You raised your head and didnt want to believe that he was gone..

"Im sorry dad.. i really am.. pls dont go" you cried

"No.." you whispered

You saw the letter on his hand so you took it and you kissed on his forehead and went to sit normally..

You wanted to read the letter

My dear y/n,

I wrote this letter to you and you won't never forgive me but i wanted to explain you all shortly what happened.
3 years ago me and your mother had discussion about our future and about your safety.
You mother was in trouble because she had big debt so she wanted to escpade because she didnt want you to be in danger so your mother decided to leave on her own.

She didn't want to say anything because she knew that you would go look after him so she left and i wanted to do something because i didn't want you to hate her so i decided to make backup story how i "abandoned" your mother.

Im sorry for the truth coming out on this letter and not from my mouth but i've always cared about you and wanted to your best.
The other detailes you can ask from Fukuhara because he was like my right arm and he knew everything.
I asked him to be your support when i wasn't there.

I love you

With love Dad

You wanted to rip the letter from half because you were so sad and angry to yourself because you always hated your dad without no reason and you hurted him and you never asked about the truth..

You tried to stand and walk but your legs were so week but Fukuhara walked inside the room..

He looked at you and then your dad and back to you

"He is gone" you cried and tried to walk but your legs.. you fell on your knees and you just starred..

"He is really gone.." you said

"He is.. im sorry" Fukuhara said and walked behind you..

After while sitting on the floor you felt strong arms behind your back and one of your arms going on Fukuhara's shoulder..

He wanted to put you sit down because obviusly you were still shocked..

"Now i have to deal with everything on my own?" You asked

"Thats true but im here being your support" Fukuhara said standing in front of you looking other side because he thought that you didnt want to him see you crying..

After while you tried to get your shit together and stood up

"Are you sure youre okay? Fukuhara asked

"Yeah i have one think to do" you told him and you walked carefully out..

You knew what youre gonna say and you walked the other side of the hallway and knocked the door and stepped in.

"Erimi".. you started

"He is gone.. isnt he?" She asked


"Yes..." you answered

You heard him trying to keep all the sadnned inside and trying not to cry..

"You can stay few nights but then you need to leave" you said and turned around about to leave.. she didnt answer so you left

You walked few steps and stopped and looked back but nothing..

You walked back to your dads door and Stepped in..Fukuhara was still there..

"I want to know some details about my mother" you said..

"Anything" he answered

"To whom she owned?"

End of story

Kakegurui || Sister of destroyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora