Jeff The Goddamn Killer

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What am I going to do with that guy? He's so emotional. OVER THE SMALLEST THINGS! I groan as I head downstairs to deal with Ace. Lucky me!

(Ha! Just realized the last thing I wrote/typed last chapter and remembered Envy from FMA saying lucky me so when I read it I heard his voice in the back of my head saying that!)

Jeff's POV:

Stupid random fuck! This is his fault! I kick the wall in my room. Grr, I look to smile dog who is just laying there. Damnit. Damnit. DAMNIT! I grab my knife and start cutting into the wall. Mine. MINE. HE.IS.MINE.DAMNIT! After what feels like hours I lay down, instantly passing out. Words carved into the walls, even on the back of the door, and the window. Curse him. Curse people! I'LL KILL HIM WHEN I SEE HIM AGAIN I SWEAR!


I wake up to the sun shining into my room. Fuck. Should've closed that last night! Wait....I did. I open my eyes and look to the window. Oh. Right. I sorta. Cut into the curtain didn't I? I drag myself out of bed and walk out my room, and head straight down to the kitchen. There he is. That damned prick from yesterday. I look around the kitchen and see no sign of M/N. Good, then I can take the initiative and make things clear to this asshole. I stomp right up to him as he gives me a confused face. The fuck are you confused about? If anyone has a right to make that face it's ME! I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pin him to the wall.

"Listen here you shit, M/N is mine! So stay the FUCK AWAY FROM HIM! Or I'll make you."

"Um....I think there's been a major misunderstanding dude. One, M/N isn't a object, two we're old friends, and three, get out of my face." He says, his face looks calm? He places his hands on my wrist, I just tighten my grip.

"Really? Well how about this, one, I know he isn't a object, but the thing is...I won't let anyone, anyone, take him from me. Two, I could give a shit less what your relationship is, whether your his cousin, brother, friend, or fucking father, you.can't.have.HIM!" I shout, slamming him into the wall, pulling him back towards me, and kneeing him in the gut, making him fall to the floor.

"Do I make myself clear dipshit?!" I yell at the prick. Fucking asshole is getting smart with me. FUCK OFF ALREADY!

"Ace I got the medicine from the drug store-.....Jeff?" Fuck.

"Hey~ M/N!~" I look to him and wave.

"Hey, did I miss something?" He ask looking to that damn prick.

"Nope-" I get cut off.

"Actually he just fucking assaulted me for the most fucked up reason!" Just shut the hell UP! IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD?! I glare at the dumbfuck before looking back to M/N who is giving me a, "are you serious?" look.

"Alright?! So what if I did? He was trying to fuck with what is mine! What do you want me to do? Sit back and watch like a fucking dog?!" I shout before barging out the room. Fuck that dude, Axel? Or whatever! And fuck M/N for siding with him! Well....not him. He...I...AGH FUCK OFF! I stomp out the back door of the house and sit at the end of the back porch on the steps. FUCK EVERYONE! FUCK SLENDER! FUCK JANE! EVERYONE CAN JUST SCREW OFF! I yell in my head as I flick off the woods behind his house, not caring if Slender actually sees it. (It corrected to "duck M/N," earlier, just thought I'd share that with you readers.)

I flinch slightly as I feel a hand on my shoulder and flip my head behind me. M/N.

" so Ace told me what happened, he went home just a bit ago." He mumbles, his face slightly pink. He looks cute like this. I smirk at his shyness and grab his wrist, pulling him down and into my lap, I slip my arms around his waist and bury my head in the back of his neck. I feel him tense but after a moment he relaxes in my arms. We stay like that for some time, me just inhaling his sweet scent, and him. Just there. In my arms, like he should be.

"Jeff....what did you mean exactly when you told Ace I was yours? Not that I don't have a idea, just's know?" I move my head into the crook of his neck and just hold him closer.

"What else would I mean? Your mine. No one else can have you. If anyone even tried I would kill them, if you tried to be with someone else I'll kill them." I state bluntly. No point in sugar coating it. Even if he doesn't want to be, he is mine.

"So?" ....What? I look up to meet his E/C eyes and give a confused look.

"What? You make it seem like a bad thing? I actually kind of, in a weird, sick, twisted way, like the sound of that." He says, the sound of his voice matching what he's saying. He's....not lying. Before I could even speak he touches my cheek, and kisses me. I freeze in place, taking in everything, his soft lips on mine, the cold wind, the animals in the distance, him, there, in my arms. Before I could even kiss back he gets out of my arms, and off my lap, breaking the kiss.

"Well then, it's getting pretty late Mr.Killer I don't know about you, but I, for one, am very tired, and in no mood, at all, to stay up late. See you tomorrow, you need me wait until tomorrow, I intend to sleep for as long as possible! You wake me up I'll kick your ass!" He says, heading back inside, a smirk plastered on his face. My eyes don't leave him for a moment.

What the fuck just happened?! I am Jeff The GODDAMN Killer! I seriously can't be losing my shit over him?! I move my hand to my face that now feels like it is on fire even if the carved smile may make it hard to notice.

A Little Game With A Killer (Jeff The Killer x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now