Part 8 - Gym Hall

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A week has went past since the whole incident on yours and Johnnys so called 'date'.
You haven't spoken to Johnny ever since last week and are starting to kind of miss him.
You're off to break, when Ali catches you walking down the hall to the main entrance door.
'Hey girl, everything okay?' Ali says slightly giving you a fright.
'A.. Ali yes...yes! Yes, everythings fine.'
'Have you spoken to Johnny yet?' Ali darts the question at you.
'No, why would I? He obviously still likes you and wants to interfere between your relationship with Daniel. Why would I waste my time on someone like that?' You say with an annoyed expression.
'Well, Johnny has been looking quite off the past few days. Do you think it's cause of what happened last week?'
You and Ali walk through the main door to see Johnny and his friends sitting where the bikes usually are.
Ali was right, Johnny did look a bit off but you weren't so sure if it was by what you said to him or maybe something more personal.
Ali catches you looking at him and trys to snap you out of it.
'Hey! Come on, I think you need to speak with him. He never got this weird when him and I were dating. Never!' Ali says a bit dramatically.
You look at Johnny again to see that he catches you looking at him. Somewhat his eyes go big and a small smiles appears on his face. You instantly turn right back around and walk back inside the school with Ali following you.
'What was that right there!?' Ali questions.
'Look Ali, I really don't want to talk about Johnny. When I think it's the right time ill speak with him but right now its just not it.'
Ali nods her head and goes to give you a hug 'I understand, if anything call me. I need to go to third period now, see you later!'
You slightly smile at Ali and slowly wave back to her whilst shes walking away. It was time for you to get to your next class too. So you walked up the main stairs and to your next class.

The school day was finally over!
Your walking the shortcut way to get to the main door which means you would pass the gym hall. You knew Johnny would be there with your brother and his friends. They always were for soccer practice! But you decided to ignore that they would be there and continued to walk the shorter way.
As you're walking along the corridor you can already see the door to leave the school. You can't wait to get into your bed and in your fuzzy pyjamas.
But, knowing your luck as you were about to pass the gym hall you see Johnny standing outside of the hall with his forehead leaning against the wall opposite the gym door. You stopped nearly immediately and tried to quietly walk the other direction.
Whilst you were slowly trying to walk away you hear your name being called by a raspy voice. You turn around to see Johnny with red, puffy eyes looking at you with one hand lifting his hair from his forehead.
You try to get a good look at what was, Johnny crying? You look at him upset to see him like this and walk over. 'Wanna talk?' You say gently to Johnny slightly having to look up at him because of how tall he was.
He slowly nods his head and you both walk outside to the nearest bench you could find.
As soon as you and Johnny sit down, he instantly buries his face into his hands.
'Hey, hey Johnny? Is everything okay?' You say rubbing Johnny's back.
He doesn't reply.
You take your hand off his back and take his hands off of his face revealing his worried face that was flooded with tears.

Hey all!
How's everyone been doing?
I know i haven't been quite active lately with this story and for that i apologise but since my easter holidays have started hopefully ill be able to write a few parts throughout my 2 week break.
Hope you all have a splendid day/night and have a smile on your face! ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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