💗Happy Birthday Mariah💗

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I don't know why, but I feel like I have to write this text in English.
Today, it's the anniversary of the most iconic diva in the whole world 🦋
I discovered her two years ago, and at the beginning, I was just listening to her songs because GOD her voice is beautiful.

But then, I started to learn more about her and I discovered how kind her heart is.
Once, when I was bothering my mother with my idol, she said to me : « I understand that you like her songs very much, but I don't get why you're so obsessed with her. She's just a woman who was born with a gift, but she is just selfish ».

Or even my aunt : « She has a great voice, but she certainly is a bitch »
And I'm not mad at them, I'm just sad that they see Mariah, like lots of people, just like a diva, who doesn't care about her fans and is here just for the money.

Because she is quite the opposite, she is very grateful for her fans.
And, in my personal opinion, as well as she is a beautiful woman, she also has a beautiful spirit.

But that, only the true fans can understand.

So again happy birthday Mariah.
I will always support you 💖🦋

I will always support you 💖🦋

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