Chapter 23- Bad Idea

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Hi Guys

I want to tell you all that prayed for my grandma that the operacion went well.

She is fine now,She is taking some rest. 

I want to thank you all that ask for her and prayed for her.

Thank you all,trully.

Okay,Let's go for the Chapter

Enjoy :) 

Damiano POV 

"Do you believe him? Really? After everything he did to us and mom? you are really believin-"

"He showed me." I heard Jacopo say staring to the floor.

"How did he showed you that he has cancer?" I say crosing my arms in my chest looking at him.

" He showed me the paper from the doctor,it's positiv." Jacopo said looking at me.

" Hahaha,That's a good one! You know that he could fake that,right?"

"Damiano! Please,stop! Dad has cancer and he doesn't have much time,is that so hard for you to believe him?"

" Yes. I will never believe or trust him again, he left us without saying a word, we were kids! I can't believe that you believe him." 

Soon as I said that our mom closes the door,I haven't seen mom sense yesterday.

" Hello boys,all good?" I heared mom say going to the kitchen puting her bag on the kitchen table.

"Hi Mom, We need to talk,the thee of us." Jacopo said trying to see mom through the livingroom to the kitchen.

"Oh,Really? Okay boys,just give me a sec." She said and went to her room,probably to change closes.

"Are you sure you want to tell her?" I said in a whisper so she couln't hear us.

" It's better if we tell her then him go to our work and tell her himself,don't you think?" Jacopo say putting his back aganst the coush and look at me.

" That's fear but you already know how she will be,and I'll blame you for-"

" Blame who?" I heared mom say going to me to leave a kiss on my forhead.

" Mom,we need you to sit down please,we have to tell you something." Jacopo said serious as mom kissed his forhead too.

"Fine,what is it so important that we have this family reunion?" Mom said sitting next to me curious to find all this mystery.

I'm pretty sure that nothing will be the same after this moment 

"Dad is back,mom." Jacopo said looking at her with a serious face. 

Okay,there is no turning back now. 

Victoria POV 

I swear if  I could do this plan without Larissa I would,she is so stubborn and always asking me more about the plan.I swear, how could that dumbass of Damiano could date that type of girl, but thinking about they actually look good together,a dumb,stupid,stubbern bitch and an asshole bipolar, perfect match! Without adout.

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