Edd's run away mission CHAPTER 1

Start from the beginning

Future Edd-"So what, why do you want to hold me here for!?"

Red Leader-"For reasons your brain can't comprehend!"

Future Edd-"What do you mean by that!?"

Red Leader-"Well I'll tell you one thing, I don't want you roaming around and trying to kill your past self again."

Future Edd-"H-how did you know about that!?"

Red Leader-"Edd I have eyes everywhere."

Future Edd-"..."

Red Leader-"What's the matter Edd, cat got your tongue?"

Future Edd-"Shut up...."

Red Leader-"Aww, how cute."

*Red Leader opens up Edd's cell and grabs Future Edd by the neck and lifts him off the ground.*

Red Leader-"But say that again and I will not make it happy for you, undersood?"

Future Edd-"..."

Red Leader-"I said..."


Future Edd-"Y- " *Cough.* "yes..."

Red Leader-"Good!"

*Red Leader starts to walks away from Edd before calling Matt to come and watch his "friend."

Red Leader-"Matt, please and come and watch our new prisoner, and please, lock him back up up in his new cell why don't you?"

Matt-"Sure Red Leader sir!"

Red Leader-"Good."

*Red Leader walks away from both Matt And Edd.*

Future Edd-"You're really going to listen to him?"

Future Matt-"I'm sorry Edd, I have no choice, but I promise that I won't leave you here for long."

Future Edd-"What do you mean by that!?"

Future Matt-"That doesn't matter right now, but can you please get back in your cell, I really don't want to hurt you Edd...."

Future Edd-"Fine....."

*Edd steps back into the cell while Matt locks it back up.*

Future Matt-"Edd here take this."

*Matt hands Edd something in a silver box, and Edd opens it, and a sudden surprised look comes onto his face."

Future Edd-"H-how did you g-get this...."

Future Matt-"Red Leader has them locked away."

Future Edd-"Matt I'm not trying to be mean but, how can I trust that this coke is not spiked....?"

*Future Matt grabs Future Edd's hands through the bars.*

Future Matt-"Please just, you can trust me, I promise you that I would never do something like that."

Future Edd-"...."

Future Matt-"Do you trust me?"

*Future Edd blushes a tiny bit at how serious that Matt was acting.*

Future Edd-"I-I trust you..."

*With Red Leader.*

Red Leader-"Tomas, where the hell are you at?"

Future Tom-"You called Red Leader sir...?"

Red Leader-"Yes I did, I just wanted to let you know, that I trust you as my second in command."

Future Tom-"Are you sure Red Leader sir?"

Red Leader-"I'm very sure, now please go and get ready, we have a lot of things we need to get done."

Future Tom-"Alright Red Leader..."

Red Leader-"Oh and please go and get Matt, he's been with Edd a bit too long."

Future Tom-"As you wish Red Leader sir."

*Tom walks away from Red Leader and goes to go visit Matt and Edd.*

*With Future Matt And Future Edd.*

Future Matt-"Edd please, I want you to be happy, I really do but I don't know how I'm going to be ever able to save you...."

Future Edd-"Matt, don't stress yourself out so much, it's not your fault that I'm in here, it's Tords....."

Future Matt-"I still can't believe that even after everything that we've all done Tom is literally like a guard dog to him, and I don't understand why..."

Future Edd-"Listen, there's a saying that I know is true and that's "You can't change the past, but you can change the future."

Future Matt-"I'll come back to you in a few weeks or so, to tell you my plan to get you out, now do you promise me that you'll be o-"

Future Tom-"Matt, where are you at!?"

Future Matt-"Well I got to go now Edd, I'll talk to you in a bit..."

*Matt walks off and as he's doing that Edd says something in a whisper.*

Future Edd-"Please don't leave me...."

End of chapter 1
Word count 1047

Future Eddsworld in THEY'LL KEEP YOU RUNNING AUWhere stories live. Discover now