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13 years later Natalie was in DC Washington which Natasha happens to be there. Nat and Steve rogers were on a mission on a ship where Natalie was being held Hostage.

Steve-"Nat what's your status?"
Natasha-"Hang on!"

Nat fights some guards

Natasha-"Engine room secure"
Steve-"On my mark...Three...Two...one"
(Gun fires)
Natalie-"what the--"
Natasha-"well this is awkward"

Steve-"what are you doing?"
Natasha-"backing up the hard drive, It's a good habit to get into"
Steve-"Rumlow needed you you help what the hell are you doing here?"

Natalie was listening to their little conversation as she was tied up to a chair.

Natalie-"she's saving S.H.I.E.L.D. intel"
Natasha-"what even I can get my hands on, who are you?"
Natalie-"uh...from my green eyes, the logo on my watch, and my urge to kill you"
Steve-"Nat our mission was to rescue hostages"
Natalie-"NO, that's your mission"
Natasha-"Shut up now who are yo---"

Nat looked at Natalie and saw her green emerald eyes and the logo on her watch. Natasha and Natalie locked eyes.

Natalie-"yeah..can you untie me because it'd hurting my wrists and I pretty much want to kill you"

Nat goes to untie her

Steve-"she said she wants to kill you don't untie her!"
Natasha-"I don't have a choice..."
Steve-"why not?"
Natasha-"because she's my daughter!"

Once Nat untied her she grabbed Natalie  and walked off but then Steve grabbed her arm

Steve-"you just jeapardized this whole operation!"
Natasha-"I think that's overstating things"

A grenade got thrown at them but Steve blocked it Nat, Natalie and Steve jumped through a glass window.

Natasha-"Okay. That one's on me"
Steve-"you're dam right"

Steve walked off angry and frustrated Natalie went with him.

After a few hours Steve was with Nick fury and Natalie disappeared. Natasha walked intot he room where Steve and Fury were.

Natasha-"Rogers, Fury wheres Natalie?"
Nick Fury-"i don't know why?"
Natasha-"she's my daughter"
Natasha runs out of the room she went all over the place to fine Natalie.

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