Chapter 3

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Pepper's POV

I'm trying to understand what's going on but my brain refuses to comprehend it for some reason.

"Are you saying that the Avenger's orphaned a ten year old girl nine years ago who's been striking against them somehow for the last three?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes, through reporters showing how the Avenger's are failing people." Nick answered and something clicked.

"Are you talking about the reporters Spiderwoman protects from you and your agents?" I asked and he nodded. "So is the kid now Spiderwoman?" He nodded again. "Well, she's right at the window staring directly at you Nick." I said pointing at the balcony window.

Petra's POV

I came back after finishing patrol cause I wanted to talk to Scarlet Witch for some reason. Maybe it's the loneliness finally getting to me and I know she has a similar past to me or maybe it's something else. Regardless I just got to the Tower again and this time Fury is there. I waited at the balcony until Fury opened the door and gestured inside.

"Do I need to hire another reporter to dig up information about their latest mission or something, is that why you're here?" I asked him jokingly. 

"No, nothing of the sort Petra." He said and I flinched as the last person to call me that was Uncle Ben.

"I'd prefer you not call me that as the last person who did so died in front of me." I said calmly. "You just watched the video about it judging by the projection."

"Why are you here?" Tony asked and it sparked my anger but I controlled it.

"I was here to see if Scarlett Witch felt like talking again." I answered honestly. "And before you ask, I have no idea why I feel like talking to her I just do."

"Do you mind taking your mask off if you plan on sticking around for a while?" Fury asked calmly.

"Why, wanna compare eye damages?" I asked him jokingly. "Why not."

I then pulled my mask off revealing an eye socket before I snagged my eye patch out of my mask and put it on.

"How old were you when you first started patrolling New York?" Fury asked and I knew he was just confirming information.

"Fourteen, I'm nineteen now and I've got a day job as a photographer for the newspaper, the Daily Bugle." I listed off.

"Isn't that the newspaper and radio show run by the guy that bashes you and calls you a menace to society?" A woman I recognized as Pepper Stark, formerly Potts, asked.

"Yeah, who would suspect Spiderwoman would work for someone who hates her with every fiber of his being." I asked with a smirk.

Out of nowhere my spider sense kicked in and I leaped and avoided a knife coming at my back and when I looked again I realized it was dull, would've left a welt but wouldn't've killed me. I looked at the source and spotted a surprised Black Widow. I then webbed her up before laughing.

"If you wanted to play a game all you had to do is ask." I said smirking at her surprised face.

"Alright, you win." She said huffing. "Can somebody get me out now?"

I walked over and ripped the webs off of her gently and helped her stand up.

"How did you dodge the knife?" She asked curiously.

"One of my powers." I said mysteriously. "Where is Scarlet by the way?" I asked nobody in particular.

"I don't know, how long were you at the window for?" Fury asked in reply.

"She had just arrived when I pointed her out." Pepper said before I could make an ominous joke.

"You ruined the fun I could have had with that one." I said to her. "By the way, do you mind asking the AI where she's at for me?"

"Friday, where is Wanda?" Pepper asked the AI.

"She is in her room with Vision, would you like me to let her know of Ms. Parker's arrival?" The AI asked.

"Please do Friday, thank you." Pepper said before nodding at me and walking off to deal with the business as Tony is too lazy to do it himself.

About thirty seconds later I saw a redhead running down the hall straight at me.

"Should I run and hide or accept my fate?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Probability shows quicker release if you accept it Ms. Parker." Friday, I think Pepper called her, said.

"Thank you Friday." I responded and heard a hum before I was tackled full force.

I never left my feet thanks to them sticking to the floor, but I did end up bent backwards with Scarlet on top of me.

"I didn't think you'd be this excited to see me Scarlett, especially considering the fact that last time you saw me I scolded you." I said but she didn't respond. "How much time did you calculate until I could escape, Friday?"

"About three days Ms. Parker, if you had run the time would've increased to a full week if she caught you, which was a one-hundred percent chance." Friday said with what sounded like a hint of joy in her voice.

"Vision, my favorite and only unchildlike Avenger, mind helping me out here?" I asked him and he walked, well floated, away. "Eh, that was expected."

"How are we childlike?" Captain America said sounding offended.

"You throw your shield around like a frisbee and pout whenever somebody cusses." I said plainly and that was met with a laugh from Ironman. "Ironman does whatever he wants without checking his surroundings and pouts whenever he doesn't get his way." I said causing Ironman to pout. "Not to mention he acts like a bully's hype man by laughing whenever something semi insulting is said about anybody but him, Black Widow is one of the least childlike on the team along with Vision and is only really childlike whenever her crush is involved." I gulped in a bit of fear due to the glare I am currently on the receiving end of. "I value my life so I won't be saying who it is." I said and Black Widow relaxed but kept the glare centered on me. "Thor is like a giant child that doesn't understand that his fights cause alot of collateral damage, like a child throwing a stone inside a glass house." I continued and they all shrugged and nodded at that one. "Falcon acts like a bird and acts like a jealous kid whenever Winter Soldier is involved, same can be said in reverse except the bird part." I said and they both said hey before starting to fight each other so I pointed at them as an example. "Hawkeye acts like a kid almost all the time, including right now by mocking me from the vents." I said webbing the grate and opening it causing him to fall on the couch next to Black Widow. "And Scarlet here, just look and you've got all the proof you need, though she is the youngest and surrounded by you lot so she gets a free pass." After I said that she let go quickly and I walked over to the wall and leaned against it. "Do you understand or should I keep going?"

"You can stop." Captain America said. "We get the picture, and you clearly have favorites among us, those being Natasha, Vision, and Wanda."

"Weren't you here to talk to Wanda in the first place?" Fury asked causing all heads but mine to snap in his direction like they forgot about him.

"I was, but I don't know if she wants to talk to me, especially after I just got done lecturing her and almost all her friends." I said heading towards the balcony doors. "I'll see you around."

I then leaped out the open doors and swung away to do my main job, protecting people.

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