Chapter 1

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A/N: I do NOT own Marvel

Petra's POV

I guess the Parker luck finally caught up with the last Parker. I was choking on my blood with a busted face when a red glow appeared and took out Doc Oc, at least temporarily. The glow blasted him again and he ran to cover before a face appeared in my view.

"Are you ok?" The woman asked sounding worried.

She sat me up and was about to take my mask off when my spider sense kicked in and I rolled us out of the way of an incoming flying car. I got up quickly and webbed the next one before it could move too far after noticing the people inside.

"You should know better than to throw things that aren't yours." I said while helping the family out of the car and the line of fire. "Naughty octopus!" I fake scolded while tying his metal arms together.

"Curse you Spiderwoman, why do you keep getting in my way?!" He screamed at me.

"Because you want to hurt innocent families and I won't let that happen to anyone else!" I answered.

"I guess you really are a good guy." Doc Oc said. "I surrender."

I tied his hands together in front of him gently since he didn't resist.

"Why did you be so gentle after he literally beat you to a pulp?" The woman asked from my blind side.

"Because he didn't resist, anybody who doesn't know what excessive force is shouldn't be in any position to arrest people." I answered plainly. "And you Avenger's are no heroes in my book since you don't know how to prevent civilian casualties."

"We do the best we can." The woman argued with a childish pout.

"You're a whole damn team yet you always have at least a hundred civilian casualties every time you show your faces, yet me, I'm one person dealing with things just as bad, but alone, and I haven't had a single casualty as of yet when I'm on scene." I said with rage. "What do those facts say?"

"That we own up to our mistakes." She argued back.

"No, you don't." I say and she's shocked. "Those reports are all from several reporters that went against Nick Fury and his threats."

"Then how are they still alive?" She asked shocked.

"Me, I protect them and after the reports are aired he stands down because them disappearing would only bring about more of a backlash against him and his precious team." I say and she covers her mouth with her hand. "I have one mistake that I own up to and pay for everyday of my life."

"And what mistake is that?" She asked shocked.

"Trusting Tony Stark or Iron man, whichever you want to call him." I growled out. "The Avenger's are just superpowered children or children with expensive toys."

I swung off but it wasn't quick enough as I felt her enter my head before I got too far away so she only got a quick glimpse, not enough time to see anything specific.

Wanda's POV

I came here to help her and instead ended up lectured on how poorly our team works. I flew back to the tower where I was met with surprised faces.

"Why are you in your hero suit?" Tony asked curiously.

"I went out to help the spider as she was dealing with one of the sinister six again." I responded, looking down in shame. "Instead I got lectured by her."

"How did a vigilante lecture a superhero?" Steve asked surprised.

"A vigilante that has the support of the police force, something we don't have but they can't stop us as we have SHIELD protecting us." Tony pointed out.

"She shoved a bunch of statistics in my face before calling the Avenger's as a whole a bunch of children." I said, still looking down. "She rubbed our casualty list in my face while she pointed out the empty list of casualties on her."

This got most of the Avenger's to look down in shame, all of them knowing it was true.

"She hates the avengers for some reason, though it's more focused towards the original six, and even more narrowed in towards Tony based on her words." I explained further.

"So we should look for the casualty lists of the Chitauri invasion and Stark's casualty list, the only reason Fury wouldn't have caught them already is if he thinks they're dead." Natasha said, already heading into work mode.

"Don't." I said causing everybody to pause. "If we arrest her it'll make the people hate us, they adore her because she puts their lives above anything else and if we take her away from them-" I cut myself off when Natasha and Tony nodded.

"Finish what you were saying please, I still don't get it." Both Sam and Bucky said in sync before glaring at each other.

"She means, that if we take Spiderwoman away from the people we'll have protests and riots on our hands that may never go down until she's released with assurance that we won't try to capture her again." Tony said.

"With how kind she is I wouldn't be surprised if we had villains shouting for her release as well considering that most of the villains we face, we kill." I said and they lowered their heads at the prospect of that, villains shouting for a hero's release. "I got a glimpse inside her mind before she got away, it's filled with pain, anger, sadness, and loneliness, but also with kindness and compassion."

"I had Friday compare Spiderwoman to us in an unbiased manner and, Spiderwoman is leagues above us in everything, even comedy." Tony said surprised. "I'm a funny guy, aren't I?"

"Sometimes Tony, sometimes." Clint said. "But we all know I'm the funniest guy here."

Petra's POV

I don't know why I talked to her, it could be the simple fact that I've seen footage of her and she tries her hardest to prevent casualties on a team of reckless children, and that's coming from somebody who quips and jokes while fighting.

I got back to my apartment before stripping out of my hero costume and putting on my work outfit and heading out and snagging pictures of Doc Oc being put into the cop car before heading to the newspaper outlet. I walked in and printed the pictures and signed my name on the back before leaving them on the boss' desk and leaving again after deleting them off my camera to conserve space. I've never given them a picture of Spiderwoman as the photos would all look posed for and they would be. That would make them unauthentic and I don't deal with that kind of photos. None of my coworkers really see me all that often and as such rumors have spread like the only reason I keep my job is because I'm screwing the boss but he looks confused cause he doesn't really remember me either as the only time he saw me was the interview before I got the job, so those rumors are always dismissed as soon as they start.

Anyways, after delivering the photos I went back out and started patrolling again, stopping random crimes and leaving after making sure the victim is ok.

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