Jake tried to look at the pictures with a hezzy eyes . He could not even see the picture. but somehow managed to do so and his heart felt heavy . eyes started to react with the feeling. He started to feel insecure once again just like the feeling he used to have in his parents house ." so pathetic I am , and fool so , you really thought that he would love you for real ??? how could you ?? you are just a lucky charm to him that everyone loves to keep with them just for good luck not because they love tham you are just like that . You are noone to him . It was his birthday yesterday but he spend the night him that lady and sent me pictures of them to enjoy ??? am I seeing right ?? no he can't betray me .  I know him more than anyone . He is not like that kind of person . I trust him . There is something wrong . How that maid got thaose pictures?? Something is happening. I need to call Jay right n.............." with those words Jake fainted again and ........

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                 dark dark dark I am falling in the dark again some one save me please it's so suffocating I am not ok i want to live but I don't have any motive to live no reason to live suddenly why I can only see Jay ??? why I want to go I am loosing I am missing myself I am fading someone is pulling me down wait !!! it's my childhood room , my father's room , that corridor ,  that room where he tourtu..... 

I am ......................... lobe dobe lobe dobe lobe dobe .................

Jay pov

   Ah!! how I end up here in a hotel ???!! what the fu*k I was doing here ?? my head ....... it feels like something had bumpped into my head .  wait Jake was waiting for me , my birthday was yesterday!!! what happened?? where are my t shirt , jeans , tie ?? where are they ?? where is my phone ??

ring ring ............

oh there it's my phone,, what ???!!!!(gasp ... ) 24 missed calls from Jake ???what the hell i was doing yesterday??? I tried to call him again but no response why he is not picking up my calls ??

ring ring ....  again ???

author pov

"hello ! sweetie i am sorry I wa........"

reckless sound came other side of the phone filled with heavy breathing ,  it said " Jay where the hell are you ??? do you know even what has happened?????? Come quickly to xxxxx hospital ??? Jake is admitted in and check up is on progress!!! come quickly doctor said his condition is critical  if immediate action is not taken we might loose him ????? hello are you listening???? "

with those words Jay's whole world collapsed . Right infront of his eyes . He can predict what must had happened last night . He knows Jake better than anyone eles . now leaving all the suspension of the situation he was dealing with hurried to hospital to check on the issue .

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