Start from the beginning

Once all the rocks caved in you and Cass started running again. Once you ran out of the woods with Cass, something surprised you. Rapunzel's golden hair had grown back. Cass didn't really notice yet. "Keep moving, Rapunzel, we need to get..." Cass started but was interrupted by you tapping her shoulder. "What?" Cass said to you before looking up to see Rapunzel's hair, "Woah!" Rapunzel looked nervous.

"What happened?" Cass questions Rapunzel. "I have no idea. But we'll have to deal with it later. Let's go!" Rapunzel says before grabbing yours and Cass' hands and running. The rocks continue to case the 3 of you.

You run back across the bridge. Max took a step forward onto the bridge, accidentally making the bridge break. The whole bridge shakes as it slowly falls apart. You, Rapunzel and Cass trip as you run. You all run across the bridge after lifting yourselves up. You were running in front with Cass behind you and Rapunzel at the end.

Rapunzel's hair gets caught on a part of the bridge pulling her back. "(Y/n), Cassandra, my hair!" Rapunzel yells. You and Cass turn back around to see Rapunzel pulling on her hair that was stuck at the other end of the bridge. The rocks continue to pop up out of the ground, heading towards you guys.

The rocks bump the bridge making the bridge jump up and down. Rapunzel's hair was still stuck and it kept pulling on her hair. You and Cass run to where Rapunzel's hair is stuck. Cass pulls out her sword but realizes that her sword is broken from earlier. You run then stomp on the part of the bridge where Rapunzel's hair is stuck. Her hair comes free.

You all run back to Star, Max, and Fidella.

"See! Told you we'd get you out in and out without anyone knowing." Cass says proudly. "Yeah, piece of cake." You smile. "Piece of cake?!" Rapunzel yells, "Uh, did you see the 70 feet of 'my father's going to kill me' growing from of my head?" "One problem at a time, please." Cass says as you hop back onto Star. Cass and Rapunzel hop back onto their horses as you three ride off back to Corona.

You all make it back, but they double security because of the coronation, so now you won't be able to get in. "Wait, and there's no other way in?" Rapunzel asks. "Sure. If you wanna walk through the front door in broad daylight." Cass says. You pick of Rapunzel's hair in your hands then look to the balcony of her room, "Hmm. Maybe we don't need the front door."

"Max. You go distract the guards that are in front of Rapunzel's bedroom door and get them away. Girls, we'll climb Rapunzel's hair up to her balcony. Alright?" You give out the plan. Max salutes before walking to the front door.

You used Rapunzel's hair to wrap around the castle. You, Rapunzel, and Cass used Rapunzel's hair to climb up the side of the castle. Once you were almost there, Max pulled you and the two others up.

"Thanks Max." You whisper, petting Max's snout. He let out a snort and a neigh as he rubbed his face into yours, making you giggle.

"Okay, quick! Hand me the scissors!" Rapunzel yells, still crawling in through her window.

Cass went over and picked up the scissors, "So what do you want me to do? How about a bob?" She joked. "Maybe some layers!" You joined in on the joke. "Cassandra! Y/n!" Rapunzel growled between her gritted teeth before becoming calm, "Just cut it."

Cass grabbed a piece of Rapunzel's hair and tried to cut it, key word tried, but it didn't work. The scissors ended up shattering. "Uh oh." You and Cass said at the same time. "'Uh oh'?! There shouldn't be any uh oh's!" Rapunzel freaked before turning around to be met with broken scissors, "Uh oh."

"Was your hair always this strong?" Cass asks Rapunzel. Rapunzel gripped onto her hair before throwing it over her shoulders, "What? No. Try again."

You pulled out a dagger and pushed it onto Rapunzel's hair, hoping to break the hair. It only resulted in the dagger being bent. "We're gonna need a plan B." Rapunzel says, looking at the now bent dagger.

Cass opened the satchel on Max's saddle to reveal multiple weapons. You snuck a small grin, excited to use the weapons. You helped Rapunzel lay out her hair on the table as Cass pulled out the first weapon.

After trying a whole bunch of weapons, and a massive axe, Rapunzel's hair never cut.
"Forget it. Its just like those stupid rocks. Its unbreakable!" You said as you picked up a strand of hair. "We can't forget it! Today is my coronation!" Rapunzel exclaims.

All of the sudden, there was a knock on the door, followed by a voice the three of you all knew too well, "Hey, sunshine, are you in there?" Eugene.

Rapunzel started to walk towards the door but you held her back and Cass spoke up, "You can't let Eugene see you!" "What? Why?" Rapunzel looks at Cass then at you. "He can't know anything about last night!" You started to explain, "I told you, Rapunzel. If it gets out that me and Cass took you outside of Corona, we're done for." "But I trust Eugene." Rapunzel brushes her hair out of her eyes. That's when Cass butted in, "Well, I don't. My dad will have me taken off of Princess detail." "Yeah! Dad doesn't like Eugene... much. And if Dad knew I worked with Eugene before, he'd kick me out of the castle... well, maybe... Dad's kinda hard to read." You add.
"Rapunzel, we might never see each other again." Cass shakes Rapunzel's shoulders.

"Oh, come on. We've been looking for you all night." It was, again, Eugene, from the other side of the door. You and Cass gave Rapunzel a pleading look. "Please Raps." You say quietly. Rapunzel smiles and nods okay.
You and Cass quickly run off to go hide Rapunzel's hair.

Since Rapunzel didn't answer to Eugene's call, Eugene yelled through the door again, "Hey, you okay in there? I can hear you, you know?" Rapunzel ran off to help hide her hair.

Rapunzel screamed and fell backwards since her hair was still under the axe. You helped her up and took the big axe away. "Rapunzel!" Eugene screamed after hearing Raps scream.

Eugene continued to call Rapunzel's name as the three of you, with the help of Max, hid almost all of Rapunzel's hair.

Into the closet, under the bed, under a rug. These were places you hid the hair.

"Stand back!" Eugene yelled.

Ugh! Cliff hanger!
I would've split this into 2 parts, but this just makes up for yesterday.
Word Count: 1877

You And Me - ⭐Varian X Reader⭐ - 365 Days - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now