javons pov...

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this is the big plot twist guys😬

(this is before all of this happened with jaden and y/n)

javon: can i talk to you jayla
jayla: yeah sure whats up wanna
javon: so i have to get this off my chest..
jayla: go on
javon: im in love with y/n.. and i have been ever since i met her
jayla: theres no way
javon: you cant tell a single soul jayla
jayla: i pinky promise to never tell anyone
javon: i just dont know what to do because im pretty sure she likes jaden
jayla: you know jaden cant keep a relationship
javon: yeah but she wont ever like me
jayla: well you have to be patient it might come along eventually
javon: ig we will see

*when y/n came in javons room crying bc she seen kenzie*
javon: whats wrong y/n??
*in his mind: im gonna kill jaden*
y/n: *runs and hugs him* i just seen kenzie come out of jadens room and she said he was her bf
javon: im so sorry y/n, do you want me to go talk to him?
*in his mind: i really hope he messes this up*
y/n: no! can i just stay in here for a little bit
*in his mind: omg im so happy that shes in here, but also shes in here because of my brother...*
javon: yeah ofc do you want anything to eat
y/n: no im fine
javon: okay ill brb
*this whole time his heart was breaking seeing his crush cry to him about his brother*

More about javon:
javon has always been an observer, he was talkative but only when needed. he seen everything that was going on, especially with y/n. when he seen y/n he fell inlove instantly but was always so scared so ruin their friendship, so he stayed quiet. jaden his twin brother, always had a good friendship with y/n too but it was different and javon noticed that.

so when javon seen y/n crying because of jaden it broke his heart.
it broke his heart even more when jaden and y/n confessed that they loved each other.

jaden waltonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora