the beginning pt 2

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*they all go downstairs to watch a movie*
javon: what took you guys so long?
jaden & y/n: um nothing important
jayla: stop being weird guys
jaden: shut up jayla!
y/n: *starts laughing* okay movie time!

*they are watching the movie*
jaden: im cold
y/n: we can share my blanket
jaden: are you sure
y/n: yeah i dont mind yk that
*jaden yawns*
y/n: theres no way your tired
jaden: im not tired idk what your talking about
y/n: yeah right

*they continue watching movie*
jayla: hey jaden can you hand me the-
javon: awww they fell asleep on each other
jayla: hush javon
javon: dont be rude
jayla: cmon lets leave them alone
javon: whatever

*the next morning*
y/n: oh shit what time is it
jaden: 8am
y/n: oh crap i gotta go
jaden: wait where-
y/n: byeee
jaden: bye..
jayla: wheres she going
jaden: idk she just left

*at home*
mom: where have you been?
y/n: i fell asleep at the waltons
mom: i was worried sick about you
y/n: im sorry ik ik
mom: go get ready for school
y/n: okay mommm
*you go shower and get ready*
y/n: okay bye mom love you!

*jaylas waiting outside*
jayla: whyd you leave so early you couldve got ready at my house
y/n: uhh tbh i was embarrassed
jayla: about what?
y/n: because i fell asleep on jaden last night
jayla: awww your crushinggg
y/n: shut up jayla!
jayla: okay we just will ignore the fact your totally into jaden
y/n: i am not!
jayla: whatever you sayyy, now lets go to school

*at school*
javon: whyd you make me walk to school
jayla: sorry it was a only girls ride today
jaden: hey y/n
y/n: um hey jaden
jaden: are you okay
y/n: yup fine!
*you walk away*
javon: that was weird
jaden: yeah wonder whats up with her
jayla: hahaha bye guysss
jaden: wait what do you know-
jayla: byeee

*jadens pov*
kenzie: hey jaden
jaden: dont talk to me
kenzie: what did i do
jaden: you were making out with another dude at that party
kenzie: i was drunk i didn't mean to
jaden: swear?
kenzie: promise
jaden: do you want to hangout later?
kenzie: ofcccc

*schools over*
jayla: hey y/n you coming home with me
y/n: yes ofc
javon: wait for me im not walking again!
jayla: hurry up dumbass
jaden: hey guys
javon: can we get taco bell
y/n: yes lets go to taco bell!
jaden: can we make it fast
jayla: dont rush us

*they get taco bell and are back at their house*
jayla: cmon y/n lets go to my room
y/n: coming!
jaden: wait- i need to talk to you
y/n: uh okay about what
jaden: last night
y/n: what about it
jaden: nvm ill talk to you later
y/n: okay then ill be in jaylas room

*jadens pov*
"shit i shouldnt have invited kenzie to hangout"
"what am i gonna do im going to upset y/n"
"i shouldve told her i wanted to do that again tonight"
"what wrong with me!"

*theres a knock on the door*
jaden: ill get it!
*jaden opens door*
kenzie: heyy jadennn
jaden: hurry up they cant see you
kenzie: why not
jaden: just come on lets go to my room
kenzie: whatever ig
jaden: so what do you want to do
kenzie: lets watch a movie
jaden: yeah sure

*the movies over*
kenzie: i have to use the bathroom brb*
y/n: *walking past jadens room*
y/n: um oh kenzie?
kenzie: why tf are you here
y/n: i could ask you the same thing
kenzie: dont talk to my boyfriend
y/n: *in mind: boyfriend?* whatever i wasnt going to
*runs to javons room tearing up*

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