teaching, learning

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'Y/n. Id like to show you some stuff around here. To explain my goal and everything better'

He held out his hand to me.

'Come with me?'

I placed my hand into his larger hand. It was warm and comforting for some reason. He enthusiastically showed me around the place, and afterwards he took me upto the roof. This building was one of the taller ones, and had a great view over everything.

The height made it scarier tough.

I was shaking a little, i hadn't been on the rooftops much, and when i did i would always be careful even when standing on places where it would be impossible for me to fall off. I mostly stayed inside for multiple safety reasons.

Aikawa noticed te shaking and intertwined our fingers, and pulling me closer.

'There is no need to be scared, im here and ill keep you safe. Tell me, what is it you're most afraid of right now'

'That i might fall off, cause if i do im definetly dead'

'You won't fall i promise, you'll only fall off if you choose to'

I looked over to the edge, which was like 6 meters away from us. He's right, i can't fall off from this distance. I relaxed a little.


He gave me a small smile.

'You see that tall building over there? Thats where i need to go to become a perfect god. There is no bridges, no paths to get there. Its so obvious, thats the place i need to be'

'So how are you going to get there if there is no path to it?'

A smirk appeared on his face.

'With that'

He said, pointing to our left where a helicopter came into view.

'Its not so easy though. It likes to avoid ones close to god. Im still figuring out how to get one to land near me'


'I could do it'


'Im not one close to god. If i can just take over the helicopter you can get to the tower. Though id need one hell of a plan to pull it off'

Aikawas face lit up, he pulled me into a hug.

'You're amazing'

'I know, but ehm... can't really breathe'

He immediately loosened the hug, just enough to look at me.

'Sorry, you just made me really happy'

'Its fine, im not sure if ill succeed though'

He thought for a second.

'Ill train you, that'll make it safer for you. We'll train till its a guaranteed win y/n'

He picked me up and trew me over his shoulder.

'What are you doing?!'

'Were gonna go train now!'

'I can walk you know..'

'Im aware, its just more fun for me this way'


'Ehm... mean..'


He pouted, but left me on his shoulder and brought me to a room with a bunch of weapons in it and finally put me down.

'We should start with weapons'

Aikawa started explaining about multiple weapons, and teaching me how to use them well. We were now moving on from knives to guns.

'Here hold this. Aim right there'

He pointed at a target on the wall, which was drawn on it with a marker. I got ready to shoot at it, but he stopped me.

'No you gotta hold it more like.. wait ill just show you'

He stood behind me and guided me to make my stance right. I could feel his taller body against mine, his hot breath against me. In this moment i couldn't even focus on the gun anymore, he took over my entire mind.

'Be care full okay, i want you to get good at this so you stay alive and healthy. Id be really upset if something happened to you'

'A-aikawa, i didn't realise you cared so much'

He chuckled.

'You don't remember do you? I mean we both got pretty drunk that night'

'What do you..'

'Our mutual friends party, you know the one were we all had to wear masks. You don't remember that night do you?'

'Not really n-... oh..'

So that was him.

'You're the masked pirate then'

'Yeah. We took off our masks at the end of the evening. I can imagine you dont remember that'

'I do remember wanting to keep hot masked pirate's identity a secret because it was more fun that way'

Aikawa laughed, and wrapped his arms around me.

'So you do rember most of our time together then. Just not that it was me'

Honestly a lot happened in that one evening. It was very chaotic, i got into a fight with one of my friends over some stupid thing and he was there to comfort me. We then just talked the entire night while drinking and did way to many shots, which is why i dont remember part of it. We also danced together a couple of times. At the end of the evening we kissed, which eventually turned into making out. Thats as much as i remember.

'I think so, i remember pretty much everything upto the ehm... kiss'

He took the gun and put it away on some table near us and turned me to face him.

'We took off our masks right after making out, maybe i should help you refresh your memory. Then im sure you'll remember what happened afterwards'

I then decided to pull Aikawa into a kiss, one hand cupping his face and the other pulling him closer by his waist. He immediately kissed me back, both hands cupping my face. Soon enough we started making out, just like that night at the party.

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