wrong place, wrong time

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I was running for my life, running from this weird masked lady. This lady trying to kill me. No matter how hard i tried to hide or get away, nothing worked.

And i don't know why.

'Don't be shy now! I just want to talk!'

The lady yelled, after i had finally managed to hide myself from her.

'Or else i will really have to kill you dear!'

Suddenly she appeared right infront of me, and knocked me out.

A few hours later i woke up in a strange room. I wasn't tied up, and i was alone. I had been laid down on a bed, and the injury i had from getting knocked out had already been treated. It was something i could tell from the bandages i had. I slowly sat up and took a good look around the room. It seemed like some kind of medical room, with another bed in it, a chair, and a bunch of medical supplies laying around. Not to forget about the small suculent on an accent table next to te chair.

Before i had finished taking in the room the door opened, and revealed another masked lady, this one was in a maid outfit.

'So you're finally awake, ill go get you some water and check on your condition to see if you are ready to see the master'

'Uhm... ok?'

The masked lady poured me a glass of water and checked out my injuries. There weren't that many, and they weren't all that bad either luckly.

'I see, ill go inform master'

'Wait who?'

The masked lady turned and walked out the door. Appearently to go inform whoever this master guy is. Didn't need to be so rude about it though..

Although im pretty sure I've been kidnapped, so i don't really think i have a say in anything here anyway. Soon enough the lady returned and had me come with her to meet "the master".

She brought me into a large room with lots of windows in it, and two chairs and a table standing in front of it. Someone was siting in one of the chairs and facing the windows, two masked guys standing near him.

'Master, the person we captured is here to see you'

'Good, thank you. You may leave now'

The masked maid left us.

'Please, come and have a seat. Don't worry i won't hurt you. They might though, if you give them reason to'

He pointed at the big guys with the masks. I nervously walked to the chairs and took a seat, looking away from whoever this "master" guy is. He must be pretty scary.

'You can look at me you know... it would be nice to see who im talking to'

Even though, but also because i was afraid of this guy, i turned to face him.

To my surprise...



He was a friend of a friend of mine, and we saweachother a bunch because of that friend. We got along quite well too, and id honestly never expected to meet him of all people here in were ever the fuck we are now.

Aikawa asked the masked guys to leave us.

'So how long have you been here?'

'I think like two weeks now... something like that. I kind of lost my concept of time. This place just is so weird'

'I see. Not all that long then hm. What are your experiences with the masks then till now?'

'Actually i took a few down when i first got here but i found a god hiding spot where i was safe till i saw some pink haired lady shoot a guy. Then she went after me and now here i am'

Aikawa looked down for a second.

'Im sorry about my subordinate'

'So how did you become some kind of master thingy? Its all still really confusing to me to be honest, and how did we end up here in the first place and what the hell is up with these masks!?'

'You have a lot of questions, thats logical. Ill answer as many as i can, but we should have some dinner first'

Soon another masked came into the room, and brought the two of us pizza. After eating he told me stuff about the masks, and that he was one of the ones closer to god and what that meant. He also told me he didn't know how we ended up here but that he knew that we're here for one of us to become a perfect god, and that he was going to be the one to achieve it.

'Its nice to have an actual normal person here with me though. And even better that we already know eachother right?!'

'Yeah... thanks for telling me what you know'

'So you're staying here with me then right? Helping to achieve my goal?'

'I- im not strong enough to help you with that...'

'But you'd like to stay here right?'

'Would be nice to be around someone i know. Especially since you seem pretty strong'

He chuckled.

'Its settled then. You're staying here with me y/n'

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