Chapter 2

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We walked to his car he went to open the do but I stopped him.

"I got it" I spoke a bit to harsh

"Ok" he went to the drivers side

We then began to drive towards his house. We sat silently in the car the music from the radio being the only noise. When we arrived I opened the door and got out, he led the way to the door then leading me into the living room area. I'm going to tell him I can't do this. That once the project is over we won't see each other again. That he'll find a new toy to play with because I can't do this I'm not going to do this I know how this story goes I've read it before.

"Ok I'm here. lets talk." I say intertwining my fingers together.

"Why did you shut me out?" He asks his voice is soft. I've never heard him this way.

"Because Sebastian I know what happens when you get tired of me I know what you need and I'm not that. You just want me for certain reasons and I can't do that" I sigh looking at my fingers.

"Sophia I want you all of you. I've never wanted someone before ever. But you, your different, better. Trust me when I say this please." he reaches for my hand but I move.

"That's what every boy says to get a girl. You just use girls I've heard what you do with them you have sex with them then you forget about them." I look at him

"I did those things before I knew you, you make me want things so bad. I've never been in a relationship." he caresses my cheek

"We are from two totally different worlds. You're you and I'm me there's nothing that can bring us together. I'm not from your world." why can he just understand this.

"I don't care if we're different. I wouldn't want you to be like me at all. I love that your not like me you're better than I ever will be." he strokes my cheek

"I just don't think we cou-" he cuts me off. his lips kissing me.

"Sophia kiss me please" he almost begs

"I don't know how" I look down at my lap

"What do you mean you don't know how?" He lifts my chin

"I've never kissed anyone." Now he's going to think I'm weird

"But you've had boyfriends before right. I'm sure they've kissed you." He says

"No I haven't had a boyfriend." Why is he asking this

"How? Your so beautiful, sweet, smart. perfect. I don't understand there must be boys all over you." He places his forehand on mine.

"Your crazy who would want me."

"Me. I want you. that's it your my girlfriend now. I'm going to show you just how you deserve to be treated ok baby?" He puts me in his lap

"But we don't know anything about each other. I don't know your favorite color." I whisper

"I don't have a favorite color kitten. Come lets go get some snacks and watch a movie." he kisses my forehead and carries me to the kitchen he places me on the counter top. He opens the fridge taking out Apple juice, water, and a pitcher with lemonade like from our picnic. I take a moment to admire the kitchen. It's certainly better than mine.

"What do you want to drink kitten" I go to get off the counter but he stops me. "Kitten you stay here while daddy gets snacks ok?" He kisses my nose.

"Ok. I want some lemonade." I say. He just called himself daddy. why? My subconscious asks.

He grabs two cups from the shelves. One with a straw one without. He grabs a bag of chips and popcorn as he places the popcorn in the microwave I speak up.

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