°class 1-A°

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Author pov -

Allen bakugo got bored of his school and he is thinking about going to U.A high and he decides to tell his friend
" ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE US"  kurro said  "yes and i- i guess i will miss yall i guess"  " 😭😭😭 i LOVE YOU BRO " kurro said  " yeah yeah i will vist you as much as i can but i will promise you something"  allen said  " what is it bro "  " i will become the top hero you watch "

Now allen is heading home texting kurro about how much they will miss eachother and now he is going to tell his brother about him hoing to U.A

"HUH WHY ARE YOU GOING LOSER"  bakugo yelled at allen " i was getting bored of my old school plus i also got a recomendation too "  "tsk"

Next day

Allen gets dressed up and make breakfast for him and his brother and now they are both going to the same path walking to U.A now.... allen gets stopped at the entrence by nezu and he give allen a intro to the school and shows him his homeroom " Class 1-A huh "  allen said questioning himself
Now he walked in and aizawa told the class " this is the new classmate please introduce yourself as i go take a nap"  " hello..... my name is allen bakugo" after allen said that every body looked at his in confusion except katuski bakugo him self " ummm any questions " allen very akwardly  jiro raised her hand and asked " are you related to katsuki bakugo" " YES i mean we have the same last name "
             " Now anymore questions"

Heyyyo thank you for reading STAY HYDRATED AND HEALTHY

Word count 283

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