¹⁹ HOMECOMING: guys in the chair

Start from the beginning

Teagan blinked twice as she repeated Peter's words, did he steal Flash's car? That's sick!

"Uh, yeah, we tailed him right after you left school." Ned quickly filled him in. "He just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."

She leaned forward, eager to listen more. "Pete, did the friendly neighbor Spider-Man just steal Flash's car?"

"He didn't steal anything." He emphasized and Teagan chuckled, knowing she was never going to let him live this down. "We borrowed it. It was a desperate move... So, about the headlights?"

She tapped on the desk. "Right. I'll pull the car's specs, see what I can find, and get right back to you."

Teagan and Ned exchanged exciting glances before whispering in unison and bumping fists. "Guy's in the chair."

"Car. Pete, there's a car! Turn! Turn!"

"Oh God! Get out of the way, get out of the way! Move!"

"You get outta the way! This isn't even your lane."

Teagan and Ned exchanged reluctant glances, not even knowing what to make out of the situation. "Guys, are you okay?"

She turned to the computer and typed in the car model on the search engine. Google didn't take long to throw in the results, she scrolled down until she found a PDF link and clicked on it. She then typed headlights on the search bar of the PDF and watched as it highlighted the word headlights throughout the whole document.

"I've never driven before... only with May in parking lots. This is a huge step-up."

"You should've mentioned that before!"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. We were in a hurry and it slipped my mind!"

Teagan rolled her eyes at how dramatic Leo sounded, if they got into a car accident-- God forbid-- there's a ninety-nine percent chance they will survive.

"Hey, have you gotten through to Happy yet?" Peter wondered.

Ned typed something on the keyboard. "Yeah. I'm working on it."

Teagan suddenly remembered the stories Alora used to tell her about how paranoid Happy Hogan is, so she knew getting in contact with him wasn't going to be easy. "Gordo." Ned halted and turned to her. "Try backdooring the phone system. It's quicker that way."

"Good thought," Ned mumbled and got to work, minutes later Teagan heard him on call. "Hi-- Hi, Mr. Happy, it's Ned... I'm an associate of Peter Parker. Got something very important to tell you-- Hello? Mr. Happy? Hi?"

Teagan sang Eureka in her mind as she finally found what she was looking for. She turned around, but her grin soon disappeared when she noticed Ned's annoyed expression.

"What? Did he say anything?"

He only shook his head, sighing, he said. "He hung up."

Teagan's eyebrows raised briefly, the girl was not surprised at all, she knew that after surrounding herself with the Starks their arrogance eventually rubs in.

"Son of a squirrel," Teagan mumbled, shaking her head and staring off into the distance as she thought of their next move. The light bulb in her head suddenly turned on as she thought of a risky idea, she turned to her friend with a hesitant look.

"Hey, Teagan, how we coming on with those headlights?" Teagan immediately jumped, Ned passed her the phone, so she didn't have to raise her voice. "It says... round knob to the left of the steering wheel, turn clockwise."

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