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They got to the club and was going to wait for Aaron and Melinda, but decided to get a table for them before they were all taken

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They got to the club and was going to wait for Aaron and Melinda, but decided to get a table for them before they were all taken. They walked in and saw all that was going on in there. People were dancing, talking, drinking, singing off-key cause they were drunk. They all sat down at a table which was two big tables together and a lot of chairs. Derek made his way to the bartender to get drinks for everyone as Melinda and Aaron walked in. Penelope waved them over which they saw and made their way over. Aaron held a chair out for her to sit, which she did, and he pushed it back in. He sat down next to her and held her hand in his in state of comfort. Jemma looked at Spencer as he was nervous about something and she wanted him to be alright. She placed her hand on top of his and gave him a concern look, "Are you alright?" Spencer nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just glad to be with you tonight." Jemma smiled and leaned up, because of how short she is, and kissed him. He kissed back and placed his hand in her hair and hers was on his neck. Penelope stood up with a slap on the table, making some jump and Jemma and Spencer split apart. "I'm going to dance. Who's with me?" Penelope asked and Derek raised his hand, "Coming!" Penelope and Derek went out to the dance floor and Jemma stood up, making her boyfriend look up at her with curiosity. She held her hand out to him and he gave her his hand, making her force him onto the dance floor. Soon mostly everyone is out on the dance floor, except Aaron, Melinda, David, and Phil. David looked at the couple as he doesn't know if he knew it yet, "Reid is planning on proposing to Jemma tonight." Aaron had a proud look on his face as Melinda was shocked by the information. It was going to be a new thing if she says yes, because they got much more people to set up the wedding. "When was it decided?" Phil asks and David explains it to him, "Morgan was asking Reid for advice and Reid told him that he was going to propose to her. They didn't know that I was listening in." Melinda drank from her cup, only to feel a kiss on her neck. She smiled lightly at the gesture before returning it. Aaron smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and leaned them back against the seats. "May!" JJ calls out making Melinda look at her with her stoic expression returning for a second. JJ made a motion to come dance with them, making her sigh before getting up. Aaron watched as she walked over to the dance floor and began to slowly dance with the younger agents. He got up then and joined her making her smile at him, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Daisy smirked at the idea that popped into her head. She pretended that she tripped and bumped into Aaron, making him move closer to Melinda as they were a few inches apart. Their foreheads were touching due to how close they were and he looked into her eyes. He looked down at her lips before looking back at her eyes. She saw this and started the kiss this time, making him smile and wrap his arms tighter around her waist. The team watched on with awe at the stoic couple who is slowly becoming less stoic.

Two Teams in One

Spencer took Jemma's hand and dragged her out of the club making her confused. She looked at his face to see a very nervous but serious look on his face. "Spen, where are we going?" Jemma asked but didn't answer her until they got to the front of a park nearby. He let go of her hand and looked at her with love in his eyes, "Jemma, you have made me the happiest person in the whole world. When I saw you, all I could remember was your adorable face and your piercing eyes. I would go to the lab to help out just so I could see you everyday. I couldn't believe that you decided to be with me, because not a lot of women have gone for me. I don't have it easy with women like Morgan does. It just shocked me that you went for me. So Jemma Simmons?" Spencer knelt down on one knee and held the ring box open in front of her as she was in tears and her hands were covering her mouth, "Will you marry me?" Jemma nodded frantically as tears fell down her face as she was in love with this man. He smiled before standing up and placing the ring on her finger. He then leaned down and kissed her making her reciprocate it.

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now