Wishful Thinking

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my new story! Since I am currently working on finished my other story, this one will not be updated very often until my other story is finished. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!

Now onto the chapter!


I can't do it. I can't do it.

Those four words repeated in Izuku's head like a mantra. He was so stupid! How on earth did he think this was a good idea?! He was a quirkless deku, and he should stay that way. Izuku paced around in his room, muttering up a storm, stressing out about his most recent disastrous decision.

It was the day of the UA entrance exam, and Izuku was on the verge of a mental breakdown. He had been stupid enough to believe, even for a second, that he might have a chance to get in. What an idiot he was. He should have just listened to his classmates when they told him that he had no chance. Izuku knew that they were right, so why didn't he listen? He was a moron, that's why.

And now he was stressing out, pacing the floor while biting his nails. It's a wonder he still had them.


Izuku was brought back to reality when he heard his mother's call.

"Yeah mom?" He called back, heading towards the kitchen, fiddling with his hoodie strings.

"It's time for breakfast, sweetie. What took you so long?" His mom set down a bowl of miso soup, eggs and rice.

"I, uh...you know." Izuku sat down, grabbing his spoon, "I'm j-just nervous." He lowered his voice and bowed his head. "Really, really nervous. I feel sick."

"Oh, honey!" He felt tears coursing down his cheeks as he felt the gentle arms of his mother wrap around him. "You're going to do great! And even if you don't make it into UA, I'm going to be so proud of you for trying! But if you really aren't up for it, don't pressure yourself!"

Izuku thought about this for a few moments before making his decision. "No, I...I have to do this. I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't at least try."

"Alright then." His mother sat down across from him, and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, Izuku. You know that right?"

Izuku gave her a shaky smile. "Of course, mom."

Izuku found that he was so nervous that he could barely eat without feeling like throwing up. He felt tears well up in his eyes. 

"Wh-what if I fail, mom?"

His mom gave him an encouraging smile. "Then we'll try out for another school, but I don't think we have to worry. You're the smartest person I know, and I have no doubt that you will pass with flying colors!"

Izuku flashed her a watery smile. What did he ever do to deserve such a wonderful mom. He wiped away his tears and quickly finished as much of his breakfast as he could, then he stood up.

"I should get going." Izuku walked around the table to his mom, who gathered him in her arms and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I love you so much, Izuku! You know that right?" Izuku hummed in agreement. "And I know that you will do great!"

Izuku gave her one last squeeze and then pulled back. 

"Good luck, sweetie!" His mom called out to him as he opened the door.

He turned back for a moment and waved at her with a nervous smile. "Thanks mom! I'll see you later!"

Izuku walked out the door and rushed down three flights of stairs to get outside the building. He took a breath of fresh air as he stepped onto the sidewalk. He was shaking with anxiety as he made his way to UA. 

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