Chapter 2: New and Improved Toshinori!

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Toshinori POV:

I've never been a very big fan of doctors. They're always very creepy to me. I'm supposed to sit in a room with an absolute stranger and they're going to ask me personal questions and touch me? No way! I get there just doing their job but I've always been kinda scared of them. Even as a kid I never looked forward to the lollipop at the end of the visit, I just looked forward to going home. Recovery Girl isn't creepy but she still scares me! I'd prefer her over any other doctor, maybe that's why I'm so nervous now.

Recovery Girl has been doing my morning check ups since my surgery. Today she called and told me that I would have to see a different doctor. Some doctor at Musutafu's hospital has been 'filled in' on my injury, I'm going to see him today. I'm totally terrified!

"Toshinori, it won't be that bad! Plus you'll get out of the house, this will be a step towards going on dates." Mirai shouts from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I know... but maybe we can just postpone this-" I sigh.

"No postponing, it's important. Maybe if you've healed enough you can start eating solid foods, but we'll never know if we don't visit the doctor." Mirai cracks open the door and I hear him walk towards the front door.

"Come on, let's go." He says as I peek my head out from behind the bathroom door.

"Alright..." I shuffle towards him and we both get into his car.

It was only a 10 minute drive but that was long enough for me to go beyond nervous. I've never even been to the Musutafu hospital! What if it's some creepy old people hospital? I'm not old enough to die yet! Mirai parked the car and dragged me into the waiting room. He's totally crazy for understanding my fears. Who would willingly want to be around a doctor?

"Yagi Toshinori?" A nurse walks out from behind a door and smiles around the room.

"That's him." Mirai points to me. Damn traitor.

"Okay, come right this way." The nurse opens the door and I reluctantly follow behind her.

"I'm Midoriya Inko, I'm going to be your nurse for the visit. The doctor is running a little behind but he'll be here as soon as possible." Midoriya shows me into a room and directs me to sit on the bed.

"I'm going to check some reflexes and other things, is that alright?" She looks at me with a soft smile still on her face.

"Y-yeah! That's fine." I nod and she gently lays the stethoscope on my back. It's freezing cold but her hand is kind of warm.

"Breathe in for me. Now breathe out. One more time, in... and out." She speaks soft but still loud enough to be heard over the noises in the office.

"That's good, it all sounds normal. The injury to your lung must be healing up nicely. I would recommend very light exercise to keep it in shape." Midoriya checks something off of her clipboard and then grabs a thermometer.

"This goes in your ear, tell me if you feel any pain." Midoriya takes the cap off the thermometer and sticks it into my ear.

"A perfect temperature!" She smiles as she again marks something on her board and takes the thermometer out.

"I'm glad to hear that." I nod as she walks over to the desk along the wall and types on the computer.

There's three knocks on the door then a tall man walks into the room. His hair is short and pink, the tips of his fingers and his palms are also a rosy pink. This must be the doctor Recovery Girl told me about. She said he was an old student of hers and that he had a healing based quirk too.

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