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As she sat in the classroom, she could all but concentrate on the lesson. Outside she could see birds lazily flying around, drifting as a light breeze made all the decisions for them. She longed to be one of them, subject to some greater force, not having to worry about anything other than the feel of the wind on her skin. She closed her eyes in contentment, forgetting for a split second, that she was in class.

The sounds of chairs scraping the concrete floor startled her out of her reverie. Hurriedly, she pushed herself away from the desk, grabbing her bag from underneath the table and throwing it over her shoulder as she stood up, poised to leave the classroom.

"Ms. Justice? Where are you going?" She froze at her teacher's question.

"Everyone was..." she trailed off as she looked around the classroom. Everyone's bags where still placed near the tables, and, more importantly, the students were still seated. "I thought..." Words escaped April as she stood foolishly in the middle of the classroom.

"Do you have a date that you would like to share with the rest of us?" Ms. Adams, the Chemistry teacher, asked mockingly. She couldn't help but feel a little spark of joy as April's cheeks darkened. Deciding she would try to get the girl's cheeks one more shade of pink darker, she continued, "If I remember correctly, this same exact thing happened last Thursday as well. Is it a secret lover?" she questioned, succeeding in further embarrassing the young girl.

"N-no ma'am," April responded, her usually cool exterior showing more embarrassment than she was aware of letting out. Noticing her lack of control, she dropped her bag on the floor, giving it a slight kick, moving it underneath her lab table. She shot Ms. Adams an uncaring smile and sat herself back down. Inside she was absolutely boiling with self directed embarrassment, but she managed to keep it just there.

"I hate to keep him waiting," Ms. Adams carried on as if April never responded, much to the students' enjoyment. This time, however, April was prepared and did not show any further signs of weakness, but instead managed to turn the unwanted attention onto another student.

"Forgive me, Ms. Adams, but I saw Carter outside and thought it would be nice to congratulate him on his way into class," she paused as footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, stopping outside the room. The handle turned and she raised her voice, "You know, for breaking the school record for how late someone showed up to class." April leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms as Jace Carter walked into the classroom scowling at what he heard April say. She looked over him, one eyebrow raised cooly as he shot her a cold glare.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Carter. Now, if you could please take your seat so we can continue with our lesson..." It was April's turn to scowl at how easily Carter had gotten away with it. She should have known, with his and his friends' connection to some of the teachers at school, that he would get away without so much as a scratch.

"Of course," he said with pure sarcasm. He walked past April's table and as he did so, ran his hand over the smooth black countertop, leaving behind a small, folded piece of paper. He walked away with a smirk permanently etched onto his cold features. Slowly as she could, she took the piece of paper and dropped it into her bag. She had been on Ms. Adams' bad side from the beginning, for God knows what reason, and if she were caught with a note, she would surely have her head.

As the lesson on Boyle's Law was continued, April's gaze flickered back and forth between the window and the clock on the wall.  She longed for class to be over, to be able to study in the fresh air, under the shade of her favorite crabapple tree. She imagined the grass under her bare feet and the breeze flipping her hair around her face.

"Class is excused!" Ms. Adams announced, five minutes early. She may be the harshest teacher, but she was famous for letting class out early. Afraid it was another daydream, April looked around the class and saw everyone exiting the room. She quickly followed suit, and was about to step out of the near empty room when she heard her name called.

"Yes?" she asked turning around to face her teacher who was standing on the far side of her desk, an unusually happy expression on her face.

"Detention," she said simply.

"What?" April snapped, glaring at the teacher.



"Three, for talking back to authority. Speak back one more time and I'll make it Sunday and Monday night as well. Be here right after dinner, seven sharp, or I'll make it six nights of lines." With that Ms. Adams strolled out of the room, giving the girl she pushed passed a look of pure hatred. April stood there for a moment, a shiver running down her spine from the look her teacher had given to her, before she continued out of the door. From her bag she pulled out the note Carter had left her and slowly unfolded it. Anger boiled inside of her at what she read:


Have another one of your daydreams? Too bad the principal wasn't there to witness it... again. I'll make sure he's there next Thursday. With any luck it'll happen then too. And just so you know, I'll be there, so you can't wriggle out of the spotlight.


P.S. I bet you'll get detention but not for your daydreaming. You sure do have a short fuse...'

Back in the classroom, Jace Carter smiled to himself, feeling the brunette's anger growing as she read the note. He laughed as confusion took over her mind and she stormed off seeking the tranquility that she would never again find at that school.

*<Author's Note>*

Hey guys! Ok, so this is just something I've thought of. I've been writing it for about a week now and don't plan on stopping like I have with other ideas. I really hope you like it. I'm not going to beg you to vote, but I would very much appreciate it you commented with any suggestions, what you think is going to happen, thoughts on what is happening and things that you would like to possibly see happenin the future.

Thank you bunches!! <3

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