Commando App

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We walked into the lunch room and we saw a short person with glasses wondering if that's a student."That's principal perry. She has the anger of a junkyard dog!" Leo said."Hey! No Tongue Rings at school! Don't try to hide or I will take a metal detector to your face!!" Perry said."Delightful person isn't she?" I said."Here is my chance for romance! On TV the new girl always drops her books and the girl with the soulful eyes picks them up." Bree said."Bree, that's on TV not always in reality. Try it." I said. She drops them but instead of a guy picking them up, a teacher slips on them."Sorry, I'm new." Bree said. The teacher gave her a annoyed look then walked away."Told ya." I said."Now your social reputation is always about where you sit so we can't sit at the cool table." Leo said pointing to the table with cheerleaders."Hey guess what!" I said."What?" Leo asked."Adam just sat down at the cool table." Bree said."What?!" He said."The girls are actually talking to them and they can't talk about shapes and colors forever. See ya!" Chase said walking to the cool table. As Chase sat down Leo, Bree and I walked over there."Hey guys! The cheerleaders said when the football players get here, Im getting a free pudding cup!" Adam said."How it's goin?" Leo asked the cheerleader."Walk Away." He whispered to Chase. Leo just smiled at the cheerleader."Your in grave danger." Leo whispered to Chase again. Then Trent and his football jocks came up."Hey, that's my seat. Get out of here before I used you as a napkin." Trent said."Chase, we should go. He's not very absorbent." Bree said. Trent picked up chase's drink and spilled it."Ooh look a spill! I think I'm gonna wipe it up with your face!" Trent said picking chase up by his collar. Then out of the blue Chase flipped Trent and slammed his face into the table."Think again bubble neck. I will rip out your kneecaps and use them as hockey pucks!" Chase said but in a deeper voice. There's only one exclamation. Spike the commando glitch is back. I'm kinda glad I'm not bionic like Adam, Bree and Chase otherwise I would have to handle with bionic glitches. Chase or should I say Spike let go of Trent."Pudding Cups!!" Trent yelled."Oh I'll take those." Spike said taking them out of his hands. Then he squeezed the pudding cups and went all over Trent and his jocks."Ah your dead!" Trent yelled. Spike just roared as loud as he could."Ok your lucky we have to go to the reading right now!" Trent said backing up to the door. Everyone clapped."Take a seat compadres this is our table now." Spike said sitting down."Hey girls. You may remember me in health class when I passed out during the miracle of birth video. Good to see ya again." Leo said."Y'know you didn't have to do that Spike." I said. He gave me a glare then realized it was me."Hey baby long time no see." Spike said. He walked closer to me but every step he took forward I took a step back."Come on babe, you don't need to walk away from me." Spike said. I kept walking back until my back was on the wall."What is that over there?!" I said pointing to nothing. Spike looked away and ran out of the room.

(A/N) I'm gonna stop there cuz you pretty much know the rest. Perry challenges the "alpha dogs" to a football match, Eddy and Davenport have a argument but they make up and all that other stuff.

Chase Davenport Love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin