Chase Davenport Life and Love story

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(A/N) This is my first time writing something like this so please no critical feedback. Hope you like it!

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed until I heard a voice."Hey Brit!" I heard my dad say. I looked around my room but nowhere to be seen. Then I looked at Eddy's screen but instead of Eddy it was my dad."Dad can I please sleep?" I said."Ok but be awake soon. Your going to school." my dad said."Where?" I said."Mission Creek High with Adam,Bree,Chase and Leo." My dad said."But what about their glitches? What about Spike?" I asked."I'm pretty sure if Chase doesn't get involved into things, Spike wont come out." My dad said reassuringly. He disappeared from the screen as I got up. I got dressed and headed down to the Lab. When I got out of the elevator, Adam, Bree and Chase just finished Breakfast."Thats never gonna stop being weird." I said."Good Morning to you too." My dad said kissing my cheek."Is Eddy up yet?" I asked."Honey your not 10 anymore I don't see how you still want to play with Eddy." My dad said."He may be a computer but he was my only friend when I was younger." I said."I heard my name!" Eddy said."Morning Eddy!" I said walking over to him."Morning!" He said back."Was daddy saying that he doesn't want you playing with me anymore?" Eddy asked."You know that's not true! Mommy loves to plays with you!" I said."Yay! Race you to the living room?" Eddy asked."Sure thing." I said. Eddy disappeared."You know he's gonna win right?" Chase said."Yes but I just love playing with him." I said. I ran off to the living room as fast as I could but obviously Eddy won."Good job!" I said."I win! Again! It's always like your letting me win." Eddy said."No! Your just really smart!" I said."Thats never going to stop being weird." Tasha said coming into the kitchen."Funny thing. I said the same thing to Adam, Bree and Chase when they were finishing Breakfast." I said."That's also quite weird. Why doesn't he feed them like a normal dad would?" Tasha asked."Because he's not normal. 1.He's an inventor 2.He has bionic kids in a 'scientific habitat' or as we like to call it: The Basement." I said."Is there a third thing?" Tasha asked."Yea! Um what was it.... He's crazy!" I said."That's the one." Tasha said."Ok have fun at school guys!" My dad said."We will." Bree said."Bye Tasha!" We all said except for Leo."Have fun!" She said. I went up to Eddy before I went."Bye eddy!" I said waving to him."Bye!" He said. I blew him a kiss then hugged dad."You take care of my little supercomputer. Got it?" I asked."Got it." My dad said smiling. I kissed him then left.

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